George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

Billionaire liberal George Soros is under fire for using his vast wealth to influence the political landscape, including purchasing radio stations and funding the campaigns of Democratic candidates.

George Soros, the renowned billionaire investor and philanthropist, has drawn significant scrutiny for his involvement in politics, particularly his financial support for liberal candidates and causes. Recent revelations have shed light on his secretive machinations, including his purchase of over 200 US radio stations and funding for Democratic candidates through a dark money network.

In a move that raised eyebrows, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted Soros's company, Amplifi Media, expedited approval to purchase more than 200 radio stations across the United States. Former FCC Chair Ajit Pai has expressed concerns about the potential influence this acquisition could have on the media landscape, given Soros's left-leaning political views.

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

Soros' political empire has also extended its reach into the funding of Democratic candidates. Laura Gillen, a Democratic candidate for the US House of Representatives in New York, received a $40,000 salary from a left-wing dark money network heavily funded by Soros's political empire. The group, Our American Future Foundation, provides funding to individuals planning to run for office, primarily Democrats.

The Soros empire has also provided direct support to Gillen's campaign, with Soros's sons Jonathan and Jennifer contributing $3,300 each. Robert Soros, another son, donated $2,900 to Gillen's previous campaign in 2022.

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

Critics have expressed concerns about the undue influence Soros may have over Democratic candidates and the political process. Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of the watchdog group Americans for Public Trust, stated that it is "incredibly problematic" that Soros is paying candidates to run for office through a program disguised as a "fellowship."

She raised questions about who Gillen would answer to if elected to Congress, the voters or Soros. Gillen has dismissed such criticism as "antisemitic," while Rep. Dan Goldman, another New York Democrat, has accused opponents of "using a disgusting antisemitic trope" by pointing out Soros's backing.

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

Soros's groups have also been linked to funding organizations behind antisemitic protests aimed at delegitimizing Israel and opposing US support for its military operations against terrorist groups. The Open Society Action Fund, Soros's flagship organization, has provided $18 million to Our American Future Action, which supports non-partisan policy advocacy and civic engagement.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that OAFF's payments to Gillen violated federal law. FACT argues that the payments were explicitly designed to advance her political prospects, which is prohibited for a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

George Soros' Shady Political Machinations: Buying Radio Stations and Funding Democratic Candidates

The revelation of Soros's extensive political involvement has sparked calls for further investigation and transparency. His funding of radio stations and Democratic candidates raises questions about the limits of political spending and the potential for undue influence on the electoral process.