Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Authorities released 911 audio from the deadly Apalachee High School shooting in Georgia, highlighting the fear and anxiety parents experienced as they searched for information about their children's safety.

The release of 911 audio recordings from the Apalachee High School shooting in Georgia has shed light on the terrifying ordeal experienced by parents and students during the tragic incident. Most calls received by the Barrow County 911 call center came from anxious parents inquiring about the whereabouts and safety of their children.

At approximately 10:20 am on September 4, the call center was overwhelmed with calls. Many callers received an automated message informing them of the high call volume instead of speaking to an operator. Amidst the chaos, one parent struggled to articulate the harrowing account provided by their daughter, saying, "My daughter calling me crying. Somebody go, 'boom, boom, boom, boom.'"

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Despite the uncertainty and lack of information, authorities immediately placed Apalachee High School on lockdown. All nearby schools, including Yargo Elementary School and Haymon-Morris Middle School, were also secured. Operators provided an automated response to callers, stating that officers were on the scene but no details could be given.

The release of the 911 calls has brought the fear and concern felt by parents into sharp focus. Many callers were desperate for information about their children, their voices filled with anguish and trepidation. The prolonged lockdown added to the anxiety, with parents left in the dark about their children's well-being.

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Unfortunately, most of the emergency calls made that day cannot be released due to Georgia law, which prohibits the release of audio containing "the speech or cries of a minor." However, the calls that were released provide a glimpse into the harrowing experience of those directly affected by the shooting.

The tragedy at Apalachee High School resulted in the deaths of fourteen-year-old students Christian Angulo and Mason Schermerhorn, as well as teachers Cristina Irimie and Richard Aspinwall. Colt Gray, a fourteen-year-old student, and his father, Colin Gray, have been charged with the killings. Colt is being tried as an adult.

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

Georgia School Shooting: 911 Calls Reveal Panic and Concern

The release of the 911 calls serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of school shootings and the need to address the safety and well-being of students and staff in educational institutions. The audio recordings underscore the urgency and importance of effective emergency response protocols and the profound impact such incidents have on families and communities.