Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Fox News contributor Gianno Caldwell is starting a new nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting victims of violent crime and advocating against progressive policies that, in his opinion, have contributed to the worsening crime problem over the years.

Gianno Caldwell, a Fox News analyst, is launching a new public safety nonprofit organization with the goals of assisting victims of violent crime and lobbying against the "soft-on-crime" movement supported by progressives, which he claims has exacerbated the issue over the years.

The Caldwell Institute for Public Safety has a multifaceted mission centered on combating the American crime crisis through victim assistance, activism against pro-crime policies and candidates, and public safety law advocacy.

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Caldwell has assembled a team of experts to assist him in achieving his goals. He enlisted Dr. Drew Pinsky and a cousin who is a Ph.D. clinician to develop a mental health guide for victims' families. He also enlisted the help of Joel Fitzgerald, a seasoned police chief, whose son, also a police officer, was slain in Philadelphia. Dan Kirk, a former Chicago prosecutor, collaborated with Fitzgerald to develop a manual explaining how families can work with law enforcement and prosecutors. He also developed guidelines for families who want to share their stories with the media.

"I can only imagine the pain felt by the family who lost their 7-year-old son in Chicago last week," Caldwell said. "If you look at the statistics from 2021 to January 2022, over 276 children under the age of 16 were shot in Chicago in just one year."

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Caldwell emphasizes that his organization will hold "radical, progressive, soft-on-crime prosecutors, mayors, and city council members accountable." He explains that part of his strategy involves supporting traditional prosecutors running against progressives with the support of wealthy donors like George Soros. He also advocates for legislative action to address crime.

Caldwell's hometown of Cook County, Illinois, is home to one such prosecutor, Kim Foxx. George Gascon in Los Angeles and Larry Krasner in Philadelphia are among the others who have received funding from progressive backers.

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

"We'll lobby for laws that enhance community safety and against measures that systematically endanger residents," Caldwell said.

Caldwell stresses the importance of donations, stating that his organization is a 501(c)(4) and will rely on public support to carry out its mission. He emphasizes the need to combat the influence of wealthy activists like Soros, whose efforts have contributed to the current state of affairs.

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

"It took years of Soros-like activism to create this problem, and it will take years to fix it," Caldwell said. "I recognize the magnitude of this battle, but I must engage because I have been personally affected and am aware of the devastation and anguish it causes."

Two years ago, Caldwell's 18-year-old brother, Christian, was killed in a Chicago shooting. To date, no arrests have been made. Caldwell maintains regular contact with investigators and has recently received information from the FBI's Chicago office regarding a "warm lead."

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

The Chicago Police Department confirmed that the investigation is ongoing but declined to provide any further updates. The FBI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Caldwell hopes his institute will provide support to other victims' families as they navigate the trauma of losing a loved one to violence.

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

Gianno Caldwell Launches Public Safety Nonprofit to Combat Crime and Activism

"My brother Christian wasn't just my little brother; he was like my son," Caldwell said. "I was the one who cared for him, took him places, and purchased his school supplies."

He emphasizes that violent crime affects people of all backgrounds and income levels.

"This isn't an issue that affects only Black people; it affects White people, Hispanic people, Asian people, all Americans, all income levels, and all jurisdictions," Caldwell said. "We must recognize that this issue affects everyone and that we must work together to address it."

Cook County Crime Stoppers is offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the suspect or suspects involved in the shooting that resulted in Christian's death and injured two other victims. Christian was not acquainted with the other victims, a 31-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman.