GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

Orlando Sonza, running against Rep. Greg Landsman in Ohio's 1st Congressional District, disputes claims that Republican candidate JD Vance's values are out of touch with voters.

In a heated debate that marked the final showdown in one of the country's most closely watched House races, GOP candidate Orlando Sonza strongly rejected accusations that his opponent, Democratic incumbent Greg Landsman, is in line with voters' concerns. The third and final debate took place at Xavier University in Cincinnati and focused on a wide range of issues, including immigration, the economy, and an ethics complaint against Landsman.

Sonza opened his argument by outlining the issues that he believes are foremost in voters' minds, namely the economy and immigration. "As I walk around this district, whether it's the economy or the issue with the southern border immigration, those are at the forefront of voters' minds," Sonza stated.

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

Regarding immigration, Sonza emphasized the need to secure the southern border, claiming that the influx of illegal immigrants has overburdened the economy, housing market, and led to increased fentanyl trafficking. He proposed immediately closing the border and tightening asylum policies to address these concerns.

Landsman, in response, expressed agreement with Sonza on certain aspects of the immigration problem. "The fact is that you have to have a secure border, and for far too long, both parties have messed this up," Landsman acknowledged. He attributed the failure of a bipartisan border bill to former President Trump's intervention.

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

On economic issues, which a recent poll identified as a top concern for Americans, Landsman took aim at tax breaks for the wealthy while many struggle to make ends meet. "Who's the economy built for?" Landsman questioned, arguing for tax code reform that would benefit working families and middle-class households. He also called for addressing price gouging.

Sonza, on the other hand, highlighted the challenges his family faces with rising costs. He advocated for eliminating government overspending, reducing fraud, waste, and duplication to combat inflation. He also emphasized the need to increase competition in various industries to bring down prices.

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

Regarding abortion, Sonza declared his pro-life stance but pledged not to support a federal abortion ban and acknowledged exceptions for life of the mother, rape, and incest. He argued that abortion is no longer a federal issue and that Ohio voters had recently voted to enshrine abortion access into the state Constitution.

Landsman expressed support for codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law, emphasizing that politicians should not interfere in healthcare decisions. "It's not only dangerous, but it has gotten people killed," Landsman stated, referring to women who have lost their lives due to restrictive abortion laws.

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

One of the more contentious debates occurred when Sonza brought up a recent ethics complaint against Landsman, accusing him of violating the Federal Stock Act by failing to disclose stock transactions within the required 45-day period.

"How long did it take, Congressman Landsman, to disclose over 80 stock transactions? 20 months. That, to me, is not a mistake. That's a pattern of misconduct that I believe is a threat to democracy," Sonza asserted.

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

GOP Candidate Fires Back at Accusations of JD Vance's Misaligned Values

Landsman acknowledged the late disclosure but attributed it to a lack of knowledge about the trades. He also emphasized that all trades had been disclosed and that a system was in place to prevent future occurrences.

The 1st District race is considered "likely Democrat" by the Cook Political Report, but Republicans have invested heavily to protect their slim majority in the House. Landsman won by just over five points in 2022.