GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Republican candidate Mike Ramone vows to "beat one-party rule" in Delaware, aiming to flip the governor's office for the first time in three decades.

Mike Ramone, a Republican state representative running for governor of Delaware, has set his sights on ending the Democrats' 32-year grip on the state's top executive office. In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Ramone outlined his vision for a different Delaware, one that he believes has been held back by what he calls "one-party rule."

"Delaware has been controlled by one party for 32 years, and I am here to give Delaware a choice," Ramone declared. "Balance brings discussion, and discussion brings vetting, and vetting avoids unintended consequences."

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Ramone, who serves as the minority leader in the state House, believes that Delawareans are ready for a change. He points to the state's declining performance in education, healthcare, safety, traffic congestion, and business-friendliness as evidence of the need for a new direction.

"We need to go back to line item reviews of every single expense we make because we're spending people's taxes," Ramone said. "It's not our money. It's their money."

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Ramone, who has extensive experience in the business sector, argues that Delaware needs a leader with a focus on fiscal responsibility. He pledges to manage the state with the same principles that made his businesses successful.

"The way we manage our state currently is dysfunctional," he asserted. "Our education system is one of the highest funded and one of the lowest in results. Our healthcare system is absolutely havoc-ridden."

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Ramone recognizes the uphill battle he faces in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans nearly two to one. However, he draws confidence from his success in winning eight elections in a state House district that is predominantly Democrat.

"My belief is simple," Ramone said. "My district is 8,000-something Democrats, it's somewhere around 5,000 Republicans, and around 5,200 independents. I'm the only elected official lucky enough to be reelected eight times in the state of Delaware, representing the third party, not the second party. I was in the minority minority."

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Despite the presence of former President Donald Trump on the national stage, Ramone believes that his focus on local issues will resonate with Delawareans.

"When I ran in my district, Mike Ramone signs were right next to a lot of Joe Biden signs, Mike Ramone signs right next to a lot of Donald Trump signs, and Mike Ramone signs were in a lot of yards with no signs," Ramone explained. "So Delaware is small enough that I believe the national rhetoric may involve a higher level of turnout. But I don't believe that turnout will help nor hurt me."

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

GOP Challenger Seeks to Break One-Party Grip in Biden's Home State

Ramone enters the Republican primary on September 10 with two other candidates, while the Democratic primary features incumbent Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long and New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer. The winners from each party will face off in the November 5 general election.