GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

The Log Cabin Republicans, the nation's largest LGBT Republican organization, anticipates increased support from gay voters in 2024. President Charles Moran highlights Donald Trump's commitment to fair opportunities and decries Democratic pandering and virtue signaling.

According to Charles Moran, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, Donald Trump's message of unity and equitable opportunities is attracting an increasing number of gay voters. In the 2016 election, Trump received 14% of the gay vote, doubling to 28% in 2020.

Moran believes this year's support could reach close to 50%, dispelling the stereotype that all gay voters identify with the Democratic Party. He emphasizes that nearly a third of LGBT voters in the last election supported Republicans or Trump.

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

Amid efforts to earn a greater share of gay votes, Moran believes members of the LGBTQ community have become disenchanted with the Democratic Party's "virtue signaling" and "pandering." He cites recent instances of over-the-top gestures during Pride Month events as examples of inauthenticity.

In contrast, Moran commends Trump's genuine approach, noting that he is the first president elected who supported marriage equality on day one. Additionally, Moran credits Trump's foreign policies with reducing global discrimination and risk to gay people.

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

Moran argues that under the Biden administration, gay rights have deteriorated on the international stage due to weak foreign policies. He points to the release of funds to Iran and the lack of strong opposition to countries executing gays and lesbians.

"It is worse now under Joe Biden internationally to be gay," Moran stated. "The lives of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and in other parts of the world, in Africa and the Caribbean and some places in Southeast Asia, it is now worse and more dangerous than it was under Donald J. Trump."

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

Former first lady Melania Trump is a vocal supporter of the Log Cabin Republicans and will join them for a campaign fundraiser in July. Moran praises her as an "amazing ally" who promotes unity and inclusion.

"She really knows that inclusion does win and that unity is one of the most important things that we have going for us in this country," Moran said.

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

Moran emphasizes the Log Cabin Republicans' willingness to work with individuals who may not fully agree with their public policy positions. He cites Ronald Reagan's "80% my friend is not 20% my enemy" principle as a guide.

"If you agree that we have a place in the party, or that America is a place where LGBT people can and should have the same rights and responsibilities as every other person, we can work with you on that," Moran concluded.

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All

The Log Cabin Republicans' goal is to establish a lasting and durable majority in the Republican Party by embracing unity and focusing on common ground.

GOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for AllGOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for AllGOP Makes Strides with Gay Community as Trump Vows Equality and Prosperity for All