GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

Republican House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik outlines a comprehensive plan to address border security, inflation, energy, and crime if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election.

Republican House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik has outlined a comprehensive agenda that she believes the GOP should focus on if former President Donald Trump wins the 2024 election. The plan, which Stefanik outlined while receiving the Ronald Reagan Defender of Freedom Award, focuses on a number of key issues, including border security, inflation, energy, and crime.

Stefanik began her speech by accusing the Biden administration of overseeing a series of crises, including the border crisis, inflation, energy crisis, and crime crisis. She said that these crises are hurting hardworking families and businesses across the country.

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

"We have seen under Joe Biden crisis after crisis," Stefanik said. "The American people are smart. They know that the millions of illegals that have poured into our country are because of Joe Biden's unconstitutional, illegal executive actions, wiping away President Trump's most effective border security policies in our nation's history."

Stefanik said that the GOP will work with Trump to secure the border, build a wall, end catch and release, and restore the Remain in Mexico policy. She also said that the GOP will work to fight inflation, which she said is the highest it has been in her lifetime.

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

"The price of eggs … the price of diapers, the price of baby formula, the price of food, bacon, meat, it goes up and up. It's a direct result of Joe Biden's failed Biden economic policies, which have hurt, catastrophically, families, small businesses, manufacturers and farms," Stefanik said.

She also criticized Biden's energy policies, which she said have led to an energy crisis and rising energy costs.

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

GOP Unveils Agenda to Support Trump's 2025 Ambitions

"On day one, Joe Biden declared war on American energy independence, and hardworking Americans are footing the bill. We're paying more for utilities. Paying more at the pump. All of those energy costs continue to go up. We're having to rely on un-American energy," Stefanik said.

Stefanik also addressed the crime crisis, which she said is the result of Democrats advocating for defunding the police and failed bail reform. She said that the GOP will work with Trump to support law enforcement and restore law and order.

"We also have a catastrophic crime crisis. And I can speak to that from a traditionally blue state like New York, where we have seen Democrats that control all levers of government, advocate for defunding the police, for failed bail reform, which allows violent criminals to return back to our streets. We have a crime crisis in places like San Francisco, New York City, other places across America," Stefanik said.

Stefanik also criticized Biden's foreign policy, saying that he has shown weakness as commander in chief. She said that the GOP will work with Trump to restore America's standing in the world.

"On top of the Biden border crisis, the inflation crisis, the energy crisis, the crime crisis, we've also seen Joe Biden's weakness as commander in chief on the global stage," she said.

Stefanik's speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience. It remains to be seen whether the GOP will adopt her agenda if Trump wins the 2024 election. However, her speech provides a clear indication of the priorities that the GOP is likely to focus on if Trump is elected.