Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

California Governor Gavin Newsom has publicly stated his unwavering support for President Biden, dismissing speculation of a potential presidential run in 2024.

Following the conclusion of the first 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump, Governor Gavin Newsom of California visited New Hampshire to headline a Democratic campaign event. However, rumors have persisted that Newsom may be preparing to enter the presidential race should Biden decide to withdraw.

In response to these rumors, Newsom unequivocally declared, "I would never turn my back on President Biden." He emphasized that he believed in Biden's capabilities as a leader and dispelled any notion of running a shadow campaign.

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Newsom's words came amid heightened scrutiny of Biden's mental acuity, with critics expressing concerns over his suitability for the presidency. However, Newsom expressed confidence in Biden's fitness, stating that he had "no trepidations" about his ability to lead the country.

Rumors surrounding Newsom's presidential aspirations have been circulating for some time. Last year, Biden himself suggested that Newsom "could have the job I'm looking for" if he so desired. This comment, made at a gathering of world leaders in San Francisco, raised eyebrows and further fueled speculation about Newsom's ambitions.

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania also accused Newsom of running a covert presidential campaign last year. Fetterman criticized Newsom for not openly declaring his candidacy, suggesting that he lacked the "guts" to do so.

Despite these rumors and accusations, Newsom has consistently denied any plans to challenge Biden for the Democratic nomination. He has maintained that his focus is on governing California and supporting the Biden administration.

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Biden has not yet indicated any intention to withdraw from the 2024 race. However, speculation about his potential replacement has persisted, with Newsom being mentioned as a possible contender.

Newsom's visit to New Hampshire, a key primary state, has further fueled these rumors. However, Newsom has dismissed them, stating that he is not preparing to take on Donald Trump.

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

Gov. Newsom Rejects Rumors of a Shadow Campaign, Affirms Support for Biden

While it remains uncertain whether Newsom will ultimately enter the presidential race, his recent statements and actions have done little to quell speculation. His unwavering support for Biden and denial of any shadow campaign have kept the door open for a potential bid in the future.