Government Withholding KM Malta Pilots and Cabin Crew Contracts

The Maltese government is refusing to disclose the contracts signed between KM Malta Airlines and its pilots and cabin crew, citing commercial sensitivity.

Government Withholding KM Malta Pilots and Cabin Crew Contracts

The Maltese government has refused a Freedom of Information (FOI) request for the contracts signed between KM Malta Airlines and its pilots and cabin crew. The request was filed by the Times of Malta newspaper, which argued that the public has a right to know the terms and conditions of employment of these employees, especially given that KM Malta is a state-owned company.

However, the government has claimed that the contracts are commercially sensitive and that their disclosure would harm the airline's competitive position. The Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure, and Capital Projects, which is responsible for KM Malta, stated that "the release of this information would prejudice the commercial interests of the company and would be detrimental to its ability to compete in the aviation market."

The Times of Malta has criticized the government's decision, arguing that it is "a clear attempt to shield KM Malta from public scrutiny." The newspaper also noted that the government has previously refused to disclose other information about KM Malta, including its financial statements and the salaries of its executives.

The government's refusal to disclose the KM Malta contracts has raised concerns about transparency and accountability. Critics argue that the public has a right to know how their tax money is being used, especially when it comes to state-owned companies.

The Malta Employers' Association (MEA) has also expressed concern about the government's decision. The MEA argued that "the withholding of information about the terms and conditions of employment of KM Malta employees creates a lack of transparency and accountability that is not in the best interests of the public."

The government's decision to withhold the KM Malta contracts has also drawn comparisons to the case of Air Malta, another state-owned airline that has been embroiled in financial difficulties in recent years. In 2021, the government refused to disclose the contracts of Air Malta's executives, arguing that their disclosure would harm the airline's commercial interests.

Critics argue that the government's secrecy surrounding state-owned companies is a major problem. They argue that the public has a right to know how their tax money is being used and that withholding information undermines trust in the government.

The Maltese government has a history of being secretive about its dealings. In 2020, the government was criticized for its lack of transparency in the awarding of a major contract to a Chinese company. The government has also been accused of using FOI laws to shield itself from public scrutiny.

The government's decision to withhold the KM Malta contracts is a major setback for transparency in Malta. It is essential that the government becomes more open and accountable to the public, especially when it comes to the use of public funds.