Graham Warns of Renewed Attacks Due to Biden's Border Crisis

US Senator Lindsey Graham has expressed concern over the Biden administration's handling of border security, citing recent attempts by illegal immigrants from Jordan to breach a Marine base in Virginia as evidence of a failed immigration policy.

Graham Warns of Renewed Attacks Due to Biden's Border Crisis

United States Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, has issued a stern warning to the Biden administration, demanding immediate action to address the ongoing border crisis and prevent the country from becoming vulnerable to further attacks. Speaking on Sean Hannity's show on Tuesday, Graham expressed his alarm over recent incidents involving illegal immigrants from Jordan attempting to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia.

"At what point does it become clear that your policies are not working?" Graham questioned, referring to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. "We're living on borrowed time. If this is not a wake-up call, what would be?"

Graham Warns of Renewed Attacks Due to Biden's Border Crisis

Graham highlighted the security risks posed by the Biden administration's open border policies, emphasizing the need to secure the border and provide Israel with the necessary weapons to defend itself. He criticized the administration's approach to the Middle East, particularly the investigation of Israel's prime minister and defense minister for fighting back against Hamas.

"They're putting the ICC, a rogue prosecutor, drunk with power," Graham said, referring to the International Criminal Court's pursuit of charges against Israeli officials.

Graham Warns of Renewed Attacks Due to Biden's Border Crisis

The incident at Marine Corps Base Quantico involved two Jordanian nationals who attempted to breach the base earlier this month. One of the individuals was revealed to have entered the United States illegally in April and was subsequently released from custody. Graham has sent a letter to Mayorkas demanding answers about the individuals' entry into the United States and their current status.

Sources within the Department of Homeland Security have confirmed that the individual who crossed the border illegally did so in the San Diego sector. He was released on a notice to appear in court due to an absence of derogatory information. The other Jordanian national is believed to have overstayed a student visa.

"Please explain how they came to the United States. Were they here illegally? Are either of them on any terrorist watchlist?" Graham asked in his letter to Mayorkas.

The two foreign nationals are currently in custody, awaiting removal proceedings. Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner confirmed that they are undergoing immigration enforcement procedures.

Graham's concerns are echoed by other Republican lawmakers who have repeatedly criticized the Biden administration's handling of border security and its impact on national security. They have called for stricter border enforcement measures, increased funding for border patrol agents, and a comprehensive strategy to address the root causes of illegal immigration.

The Biden administration, on the other hand, has maintained that it is committed to a humane and comprehensive approach to immigration. The administration has focused on promoting asylum seekers' access to protection, addressing the humanitarian needs of migrants, and working with regional partners to tackle the challenges of mass migration.

However, critics argue that the administration's policies have led to a surge in illegal border crossings and have created a security risk for the United States. They point to the recent incident at Marine Corps Base Quantico as evidence of these risks and call for a reevaluation of the administration's approach to border security.