Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Activist Greta Thunberg was among six people arrested at Copenhagen University on Wednesday as they protested the institution's connections to Israel. The student group involved in the demonstration is demanding an end to all partnerships between the Danish university and Israeli institutions.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested on Wednesday as part of a protest against Copenhagen University's ties to Israel. The demonstration, organized by the Students Against the Occupation group, saw Thunberg and five other individuals detained by police after they entered an administration building on campus.

Thunberg and her fellow protesters are demanding that Copenhagen University end all partnerships and collaborations with Israeli universities and institutions. They specifically cite the Erasmus student exchange program, which allows Israeli students to study in Denmark, and the Niels Bohr Institute, the university's physics department named after the world-famous physicist of Jewish ancestry.

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Thunberg has previously participated in other anti-Israel protests across Europe as Israel has prosecuted the war in Gaza. Her appearance at the protest on Wednesday drew criticism from some, who argued that it was hypocritical considering that one of the programs the university has partnered with Israeli groups on focuses on solving climate change.

Fox News Digital could not find such a program, but the Niels Bohr Institute does list the "Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth" as a major research topic. The institute's website states that it seeks to "understand both gradual and abrupt climatic changes of the past, present, and future."

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Copenhagen police confirmed Thunberg's arrest and stated that she and five other individuals were taken into custody. Thunberg has since been released.

The protest at Copenhagen University follows a similar incident in April, when Thunberg was detained at a climate change protest in Sweden. That protest took place outside the Swedish Parliament building, and Thunberg was arrested after refusing to leave the premises.

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Greta Thunberg arrested as protest against Israel escalates on Copenhagen campus

Thunberg's activism has drawn both praise and criticism. She has been hailed as a powerful voice for environmental protection, but she has also been criticized for her sometimes confrontational and uncompromising approach.

Her arrest at Copenhagen University is likely to further polarize opinions on her activism. However, it is clear that Thunberg is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means facing arrest.