Gunmen Kill Four, Injure Seven in Central Afghanistan Attack

Suspected ISIS militants believed to be behind late-evening attack in popular tourist area; three foreign nationals among the dead.

Gunmen Kill Four, Injure Seven in Central Afghanistan Attack

At least four people, including three foreign nationals, were killed and seven others injured in a late-evening shooting attack in central Afghanistan's Bamyan province on Friday, according to a spokesman for the Taliban.

The Taliban, which seized power in August 2021 as U.S. and NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan, immediately condemned the attack and vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. No group has yet claimed responsibility.

Gunmen Kill Four, Injure Seven in Central Afghanistan Attack

Taliban spokesman Abdul Mateen Qani said that four suspects were arrested at the scene and an investigation is underway. The identity and nationality of the foreign nationals killed or injured in the attack were not immediately known.

Bamyan, located in the central highlands of Afghanistan, is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning natural scenery and its historical significance. The province is home to the ruins of two massive Buddha statues that were carved into a cliff face between the 4th and 6th centuries but were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.

The attack comes amid a wave of violence across Afghanistan, much of it attributed to the Islamic State group's affiliate in the country, known as Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP). ISKP has carried out numerous attacks on schools, hospitals, mosques, and minority Shiite areas throughout the country.

The Taliban has stepped up its campaign against ISKP since seizing power, but the group remains a significant security threat. The United Nations has warned that ISKP is consolidating its presence in Afghanistan and has the potential to carry out large-scale attacks.

The attack in Bamyan is a reminder of the ongoing security challenges facing Afghanistan. The country remains deeply divided, and violence is a daily occurrence. The Taliban has struggled to establish effective control over the country, and many areas remain outside of its direct authority.

The international community has condemned the attack and expressed its condolences to the families of the victims. The United States, which maintains a diplomatic presence in Kabul, has called on the Taliban to investigate the attack and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The United Nations has also called for an end to the violence and urged all parties to work towards a peaceful and stable Afghanistan. The UN has been providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan for decades, but the country's humanitarian needs are immense.

The attack in Bamyan is a tragedy for the people of Afghanistan and a setback for the country's fragile peace process. It is a reminder of the ongoing challenges facing Afghanistan and the need for the international community to continue to support the Afghan people.