Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing

'Gutfeld!' panelists criticize Republican Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks' questioning of Dr. David Morens, accusing her of focusing on irrelevant and sexist issues instead of holding him accountable for his involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing

Greg Gutfeld of the 'Gutfeld!' show has expressed outrage over what he calls a "missed opportunity" by Republican Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks during a recent hearing involving Dr. David Morens, a senior adviser to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Miller-Meeks, during a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing, questioned Morens about his academic credentials and whether it was easy to get into medical school in the 1970s and 1980s, seemingly unrelated to the purpose of the hearing. Gutfeld finds this line of questioning absurd, considering the serious allegations against Morens, which include deleting emails and using a personal account to skirt Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing

Gutfeld points out that Morens had confessed in writing to violating the FOIA, acknowledging that he and his colleagues intentionally deleted emails to avoid public scrutiny. This, according to Gutfeld, constituted a "confession to a federal crime," yet Miller-Meeks failed to properly address this issue.

Instead, Miller-Meeks, according to Gutfeld, became sidetracked by trivial matters such as fraternities and the definition of "pteruges," a type of Roman skirt. Gutfeld expresses disbelief that Miller-Meeks dedicated a portion of her allotted time to a discussion about skirts, ignoring the more pressing concerns surrounding the COVID-19 response.

Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing

Gutfeld goes on to emphasize the importance of holding government officials accountable for their actions, including Morens, who he believes has been involved in a cover-up terkait with the handling of the pandemic. He argues that rather than focusing on gender-related issues, Miller-Meeks should have used her platform to demand answers and transparency from Morens.

Gutfeld's criticism is not an isolated one. Many viewers of the hearing have expressed similar sentiments, questioning the relevance of Miller-Meeks' line of questioning and lamenting the fact that Morens was not held to a higher standard of accountability.

Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the world, and the American public deserves to know the truth about how it was handled by government agencies and officials. Miller-Meeks' handling of the Morens hearing, as pointed out by Gutfeld, was a missed opportunity to shed light on potential wrongdoings and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

Gutfeld Calls Out Congreswoman's 'Missed Opportunity' in Fauci-Related Hearing