Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Greg Gutfeld argues that it's not Russia but the weaponization of our justice system and the spread of disinformation by our own government that is eroding public trust.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has taken aim at the Department of Justice and the FBI's latest investigation into Russian interference in American presidential politics, arguing that it's a convenient scapegoat for the erosion of public faith in government.

The DOJ has charged two Russian employees of RT, the Russia-state-run media outlet, with funding a $10 million scheme to push right-wing viewpoints and help Donald Trump get elected. They have also seized 32 internet domains that they say mimicked legitimate U.S. news outlets, all to spread disinformation.

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld, however, questions the significance of this alleged disinformation, noting that the topics discussed are issues commonly covered by conservatives. He suggests that labeling these topics as Russian propaganda is a way to discredit conservative viewpoints and shut down legitimate discussion.

"Every single issue we cover can now be chalked up to Russian disinfo," Gutfeld said. "How convenient is that for our weaponized justice system?"

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld also casts doubt on the scale of Russian interference, arguing that $10 million is a relatively small amount of money for such a wide-reaching influence campaign. "Russia paid $10 million bucks for stuff you could have gotten from me for free," he said. "Well, I would have only charged seven."

According to Gutfeld, the real threat to our faith in government is not foreign interference but the weaponization of our justice system and the spread of disinformation by our own government. He points to allegations that the media has peddled false narratives about Trump and that the government has covered up his mental health issues.

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

"Did Russia paint Trump as Hitler and push hoaxes that put a target on his back?" Gutfeld asked. "Did Russia, in the worst interference of all, weaponize our justice system in a perversion called lawfare?"

Gutfeld also criticizes the government's push for measures such as mail-in voting and no voter ID, which he argues have undermined the integrity of elections. He suggests that these policies have been implemented to benefit certain political parties rather than to ensure fair and transparent elections.

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

Gutfeld: Russia Isn't the Real Threat to Our Faith in Government

"The Dems are sweating even when it comes to cheating," Gutfeld said. "They hate competition."

Gutfeld concludes that the focus on Russian interference is a distraction from the real threats to our faith in government. He argues that the weaponization of our justice system and the spread of disinformation by our own government are the true threats to public trust, and that these issues must be addressed before we can restore confidence in our institutions.