Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's sister-in-law-turned-girlfriend, provided key testimony in his gun trial. She admitted to using crack cocaine with Hunter Biden and disposing of his gun in a panic. Prosecutors are using her testimony to prove that Hunter Biden lied on a firearms form when he purchased the gun.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

WILMINGTON, Del. — Hallie Biden, Hunter Biden's sister-in-law-turned-girlfriend, took the stand in his criminal trial on Thursday. Her testimony has provided crucial insights into the former couple's drug use and the events surrounding the disappearance of Hunter Biden's gun.

Hallie Biden recounted her struggle with crack cocaine addiction, which Hunter Biden introduced her to in 2018. She recalled finding crack cocaine in her home and confronting Hunter Biden about it. "I was embarrassed and ashamed," she told the court. "I regret that period of my life."

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

She also shed light on Hunter Biden's addiction to crack cocaine during the year he purchased the gun. Prosecutors are working to prove that Hunter Biden lied on a federal firearm form by ticking "No" when asked if he was an unlawful user of firearms or addicted to controlled substances.

Hallie Biden's testimony became particularly important when she recounted the events leading up to her disposal of Hunter Biden's gun. On October 23, 2018, she discovered the gun in the console of his truck parked on her property.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

"I panicked, and I wanted to get rid of them," she said of the gun and ammunition. "I didn’t want him to hurt himself or [for] my kids to find it and hurt themselves."

She drove to a nearby grocery store and tossed the gun in a trash can outside. Surveillance footage captured her dropping the bag containing the gun into the receptacle.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

Hallie Biden's testimony revealed her desperate attempt to protect Hunter Biden and her children from potential harm. However, her actions ultimately led to police involvement and the indictment of Hunter Biden on firearm charges.

The jury also heard testimony from Gordon Cleveland, the gun shop employee who sold Hunter Biden the gun in 2018; Delaware State Police Trooper Joshua Marley, who responded to the gun disposal scene; and an elderly man, Edward Banner, who discovered Hunter Biden's discarded gun in the trash can.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

Banner's appearance brought both amusement and clarity to the trial. The 80-year-old man, who is hard of hearing, provided a unique perspective on the events surrounding the gun's discovery.

Prosecutors plan to call two final witnesses on Friday: forensic chemist Jason Brewer and DEA Special Agent Joshua Romig. The defense team intends to call two to three witnesses, including potentially their own expert chemist.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal

The trial is expected to conclude by Monday or Tuesday. It remains unclear if the defense will call Hunter Biden himself to testify.

Hallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun DisposalHallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun DisposalHallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun DisposalHallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun DisposalHallie Biden Testifies in Hunter Biden Gun Trial, Recounts Drug Use and Gun Disposal