Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Biden's Favor at Presidential Debate

Fox News host Sean Hannity casts aspersions on CNN's fairness ahead of Thursday's presidential debate, alleging that the network will favor Joe Biden and present a biased perspective against President Donald Trump.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has expressed skepticism about the fairness and impartiality of CNN's upcoming presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Hannity's comments came during his opening monologue on his show "Hannity" on Wednesday evening.

"So what are the odds that fake news CNN will be pro-Biden and biased?" Hannity asked his audience, setting the tone for his critical assessment of the network's coverage.

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Biden's Favor at Presidential Debate

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Biden's Favor at Presidential Debate

Relying on a poll conducted during his radio show, Hannity claimed that over 90% of respondents believed that CNN would exhibit pro-Biden bias during the debate. He questioned the network's agenda, suggesting that it intended to manipulate the event in favor of the Democratic candidate.

Hannity's skepticism extends to the format of the debate, the moderators' inclinations, and the producers' political leanings. He expressed concern about Biden receiving unfair advantages, such as stimulants or performance-enhancing substances, that may give him an undue edge in the debate.

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Biden's Favor at Presidential Debate

Hannity Predicts CNN Bias in Biden's Favor at Presidential Debate

"They've done everything they can do to set him up for success," Hannity asserted. "Never mind, probably cases of Red Bull. But will he also get another boost in the form of that caffeinated pill or that Red Bull or something stronger?"

Hannity's remarks also addressed Biden's recent behavior, which he characterized as "practically comatose for months." He pointed to Biden's apparent lapses in memory, difficulty with names and dates, and overall lack of energy as evidence of his cognitive decline.

Hannity warned that if Biden demonstrates uncharacteristic energy and vigor during the debate, it would be an indication of artificial stimulation, casting doubt on the authenticity of his performance.

"So if he debates with energy and vigor that we usually don't see, just know that's not usual, Joe," Hannity cautioned.

He proceeded to criticize Biden's daily routine, alleging that the Democratic nominee wakes up late, goes to bed early, and engages in minimal public events. Hannity contrasted Biden's alleged laziness with the purportedly radical agenda of his staff, which he claimed was transforming the country in a negative way.

Hannity's comments reflect a broader pattern of conservative criticism against CNN and other mainstream media outlets, which Republicans often accuse of harboring a pro-Democrat bias. Hannity's viewers are likely to share his skepticism about CNN's handling of the presidential debate and may view it as a partisan attempt to undermine President Trump's chances of reelection.