Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Former Border Patrol union leader Brandon Judd claims that Vice President Kamala Harris has failed to address the root causes of illegal immigration despite being appointed to lead the administration's efforts in 2021.

Vice President Kamala Harris has faced renewed scrutiny over her handling of the border, as she emerged as President Biden's potential successor. However, former Border Patrol union leader Brandon Judd has criticized Harris' record, claiming that she has failed to effectively address the root causes of illegal immigration.

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris was appointed by Biden in March 2021 to lead the administration's efforts to combat migration, tasked with overseeing diplomatic initiatives in the Northern Triangle countries and devising a long-term strategy to address the root causes of migration.

However, Judd argues that Harris has neglected to implement the policies necessary to address the issue. "She refused to implement those," Judd said in an interview with Fox News Digital. Judd believes that Harris' failure to address the root causes of migration, such as political instability, climate change, and crime, has contributed to the surge in illegal crossings.

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Despite a slight decline in crossings by migrants from the Northern Triangle, overall illegal crossings have reached record highs in recent years, with migrants arriving from various regions worldwide. Judd attributes this surge to the "magnet" created by Harris' policies, which allow migrants to be released into the United States.

Harris has consistently advocated for more lenient enforcement for undocumented migrants, opposing deportation for those whose only offense is being undocumented. This stance has found support within the Democratic Party, with President Biden announcing a shift from the Trump administration's aggressive deportation practices to prioritizing the removal of migrants deemed threats to public safety.

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

However, Harris' tone appeared to shift during a trip to Honduras in January 2022, where she urged migrants not to attempt the journey to the United States, stating, "Do not come. Do not come." This statement drew criticism from progressives within the Democratic Party, who argued that seeking asylum at the border is legal and that the US should not discourage those fleeing danger.

Despite the mixed messaging from Democrats, border crossings reached an all-time high under Biden, though numbers have since declined. Biden has implemented measures to address the situation, including an order suspending entry for some migrants attempting to cross the border.

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

A White House official defended Harris' efforts, highlighting the investments secured in Northern Triangle countries to address root causes. However, Judd argues that Harris has failed to grasp the actual root causes and has not implemented effective solutions. He believes that the opportunity for employment is the primary motivator for migration, and that more successful root-cause initiatives would reduce illegal crossings.

Judd maintains that Harris has fallen short on both border security and addressing root causes, leading to frustration among Border Patrol agents who believe she had the power to improve the situation. As she becomes the potential Democratic presidential nominee, her border policies are likely to face continued scrutiny.

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee

Harris' Border Crisis Response Criticized As VP Nominee