Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

With President Biden withdrawing from the 2024 presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris has emerged as the Democratic front-runner, raising questions about her qualifications in the realm of national security.

As Kamala Harris enters the race for the White House following President Biden's announcement not to seek re-election, national security experts are scrutinizing the impact on the United States' chief adversaries. The sudden shift in the Democratic frontrunner has sparked concerns that authoritarian leaders in Russia, China, and Iran could exploit the "chaos" to their advantage.

Outwardly, nations like Russia and China have remained cautious in their reactions to the end of a Biden White House. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov downplayed the news, emphasizing the priority of Russia's war in Ukraine. Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that the presidential elections are "the United States' own affairs."

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

However, experts believe that Moscow and Beijing will likely utilize the changes to further their own agendas. Former DIA intelligence officer Rebekah Koffler asserts that Russia is closely observing Harris' candidacy, aware of her portrayal in the Russian press as incompetent and unintelligent.

Heino Klinck, a former official in the Department of Defense, suggests that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will exploit Harris' quasi-coronation to bolster its anti-democratic narratives. He argues that her perceived lack of national security experience will undermine confidence among allies and partners.

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Harris' relative inexperience in foreign policy has raised concerns about her reliance on advisors and the potential for starkly different approaches from Biden on international issues like the war in Ukraine. However, some believe that her stance on Israel could diverge from the current president, potentially impacting U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Iran expert Behnam Ben Taleblu warns that transitions can lead to turbulence, providing opportunities for Iran to advance its nuclear program and expand its influence. He expresses concern that the perception of chaos and distraction in the Biden administration could intensify the Iranian security threat.

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Despite the lack of a leadership role in foreign policy, Harris has gained exposure to White House strategy and intelligence through her role as vice president and her membership on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. National security analysts are cautiously optimistic about her ability to navigate the complexities of international relations, given her access to high-level information.

As the 2024 presidential race gains momentum, the scrutiny on Harris' foreign policy credentials will intensify. Her experience and competence in national security will be pivotal in shaping perceptions of her ability to lead the United States through a period of global uncertainty.

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race

Harris' Foreign Policy Credentials Questioned as She Enters White House Race