Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Democratic support for Vice President Kamala Harris is surging, with betting markets and polls showing a tightening race against former President Donald Trump. 2020 presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg discusses Harris's rise and key issues in the 2024 election.

Vice President Kamala Harris has made significant strides in the 2024 presidential race since taking over the top spot on the Democratic ticket, gaining ground on former President Donald Trump in betting markets and polls.

According to the Real Clear Politics betting average, Trump now has a 54.6% chance of winning the election, while Harris has gained 5 percentage points to reach 39.2%. This represents a narrowing of the gap between the two candidates from over 15% to just under 15%.

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

A similar trend is evident on PredictIt, a prediction market that offers "shares" of political outcomes. Trump shares are currently selling for 54 cents, while Harris shares have jumped from 27 cents to 48 cents over the past week.

The tightening betting markets reflect polls that show a potentially close race between Trump and Harris. The Real Clear Politics national average shows Trump holding just a 1.7-point lead over Harris, while polls in key battleground states also suggest a competitive contest.

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Pete Buttigieg, a 2020 presidential candidate, has praised Harris's ascension to the Democratic nomination, saying that it demonstrates the "depth and breadth" of support for her. He also discussed several key issues in the 2024 election.

Buttigieg criticized the Republican Party for its "backward-looking" agenda, calling for a focus on "innovation, growth, and inclusion." He emphasized the importance of addressing climate change, expanding access to affordable healthcare, and ensuring equal rights for all Americans.

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Buttigieg also expressed his belief that both the Democratic and Republican parties need to "get their houses in order." He called for transparency and accountability in government, as well as a reduction in the influence of special interests.

The 2024 presidential election is shaping up to be one of the most closely watched in recent history. The candidates on both sides represent contrasting visions for the future of the United States, and the outcome could have a significant impact on the nation's direction.

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In

Harris Gains Ground in Presidential Race: Buttigieg Weighs In