Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

Shabbos Kestenbaum, a lifelong Democrat and Harvard University graduate, expressed outrage over Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's decision to drop charges against Columbia protesters and accused the Democratic party of abandoning Jewish Americans.

Shabbos Kestenbaum, a lifelong Democrat and Harvard University graduate, joined protesters outside the Manhattan District Attorney's office to denounce the decision to drop charges against dozens of anti-Israel protesters who barricaded themselves inside an academic building at Columbia University in April.

Kestenbaum expressed a profound sense of abandonment by the Democratic party, stating, "I've been a lifelong Democrat, but… I think the party has abandoned me, and it's unfortunate because I believe in many liberal and progressive values, but it seems like they don't believe in me and they don't believe in Jewish Americans."

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

The decision by DA Bragg's office has been widely criticized as setting a dangerous precedent, with many fearing it could embolden protesters to engage in illegal activities without fear of prosecution.

Kestenbaum questioned the double standards applied to Jewish Americans, noting the recent antisemitic riots in Los Angeles and the apparent lack of action by the Biden administration to address these incidents. He expressed frustration that Jewish Americans "have to beg" the district attorney's office to prosecute crime in order to receive justice.

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

Kestenbaum's concerns are echoed by other Democratic voters who feel the party has become increasingly hostile to their values. They point to the rise of progressive candidates who espouse anti-Israel views and the failure of party leaders to adequately address antisemitism within their ranks.

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office has defended its decision based on insufficient evidence to show that any individual defendant damaged property or injured anyone. However, Kestenbaum and others argue that the charges should have been pursued to send a clear message that illegal protest tactics will not be tolerated.

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

Harvard Graduate Condemns DA Bragg's Decision to Drop Protesters' Charges: 'A Betrayal of Jewish Americans'

The controversy surrounding the Columbia protesters' charges highlights the growing divide within the Democratic party between traditional liberal values and the rise of more extreme progressive ideologies. As Jewish Americans feel increasingly marginalized by the party that once represented their interests, many are questioning their future within the organization.

Kestenbaum's decision to speak out against the dropping of charges is a bold move that underscores the depth of his concerns about the direction of the Democratic party. It remains to be seen whether his voice and the voices of countless other Democratic Jewish voters will be heard in the face of a party that seems increasingly alienated from their concerns.

In the meantime, the decision to drop charges against the Columbia protesters serves as a reminder of the fragility of justice and the need for vigilance against all forms of intolerance.