
In a heartfelt podcast episode, Christina Applegate expressed her gratitude to her daughter Sadie for her unwavering support during her ongoing battle with multiple sclerosis (MS). The actress opened up about the physical challenges she faces and the adjustments she has made to her lifestyle as a result of her condition.

**Headline:** Christina Applegate's Emotional Tribute to Daughter Amidst MS Battle

Christina Applegate is offering a glimpse into her journey living with multiple sclerosis (MS), sharing the challenges she faces and the ways she has adapted her lifestyle in response to her condition.



In a recent podcast episode of "MeSsy," Applegate spoke candidly about the physical limitations MS has imposed on her. The actress, who was diagnosed three years ago, described experiencing heart palpitations and feeling like she might have a heart attack when going up hills due to a lack of muscle strength in her legs.

Applegate has made significant adjustments to her daily routine to accommodate her health struggles. She prefers less-active outings with friends, opting for more sedentary activities such as having lunch or staying home.



Before making plans, Applegate gives her friends a heads-up that she may have to cancel at the last minute if she's not feeling well. "I always say, 'Sure, if you want to go to lunch, just know — you have to know this, and you can't be mad at me — that if right before you come to pick me up, if I say can't do it, you can't be mad,'" she said.

Living with MS has also taken an emotional toll on Applegate. She has described feeling disappointed and frustrated by her physical limitations and has shared her struggles with body acceptance, comparing herself to "Humpty Dumpty."



However, throughout her journey, Applegate has found solace and support from friends and family, particularly her daughter Sadie. In the podcast episode, Applegate expressed her profound gratitude towards Sadie for standing by her side.

"My daughter is my everything, she's the most important person in the world to me," Applegate said. "She's the most important thing in my life, so it's special to have that kind of support."



Applegate's friends have also played a significant role in her journey, providing understanding and support. She mentioned her friend who also has MS, who encouraged her with the mantra: "We wake up and take the indicated action."

Despite the challenges she faces, Applegate remains hopeful and resilient. She refuses to let MS define her and is determined to live her life to the fullest.

"I'm not going to let it beat me," Applegate said. "I'm going to keep fighting, and I'm going to keep living my life."

Applegate's honesty and vulnerability in sharing her experiences have resonated with many others living with chronic illnesses. Her story serves as an inspiration for those facing similar challenges, reminding them that they are not alone and that it is possible to navigate life with strength, resilience, and support.