Hero Cop Saves Choking Boy With Life-Saving Device

Officer Raul Vega used a portable airway clearance device to dislodge a piece of candy that was obstructing an 8-year-old boy's throat, saving his life in a harrowing incident.

Hero Cop Saves Choking Boy With Life-Saving Device

In a heart-pounding emergency, an El Monte police officer became a lifeline for an 8-year-old boy who was choking on a piece of candy. Officer Raul Vega swiftly responded to a call on Monday, finding the young boy, Ethan Cante, unconscious and unresponsive.

"I just saw him purple, he was already unconscious," Ethan's mother, Vanessa Becerra-Aguayo, recalled. "Neighbors and I were trying to do compressions on his chest, breathe through his mouth, but nothing seemed to be working."

Hero Cop Saves Choking Boy With Life-Saving Device

Vega, who arrived at the scene as the first responder, recognized the urgency of the situation. With Ethan's airway obstructed, time was of the essence. Drawing upon his training, Vega retrieved his LifeVac, a portable airway clearance device.

"It's basically like a plunger, like a foam plunger," Vega explained. "You place the device over the person's mouth, press to get suction in, and while holding it down, you pull it up, which dislodges the object and opens up the airway."

Hero Cop Saves Choking Boy With Life-Saving Device

After two attempts with the LifeVac, the piece of candy was successfully removed from Ethan's throat. He regained consciousness in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, much to the relief of his mother and the responding officers.

"From the moment we were trying and I heard one other dad say he wasn't breathing, I lost it," Becerra-Aguayo said. "So, as soon as I noticed that they were able to pull it out and had the candy, I felt some type of relief."

Vega's quick thinking and use of the LifeVac played a crucial role in saving Ethan's life. He credited his fellow officers for their support during the incident.

"I had great partners with me while I responded to the incident," Vega said. "We all worked together to ensure that Ethan got the help he needed as quickly as possible."

Becerra-Aguayo expressed her gratitude to Vega and the other officers involved.

"I am very thankful that the police responded to Ethan's medical emergency," she said. "They saved his life."

The incident highlights the importance of first responders being equipped with life-saving devices like the LifeVac and the need for prompt and effective action in emergency situations.