Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

A North Carolina father's swift thinking and CPR knowledge saved his 2-year-old daughter, Mila, from drowning in the family pool over Memorial Day weekend.

Amidst the festive atmosphere of a Memorial Day celebration, tragedy struck for a Gastonia family when their 2-year-old daughter, Mila, slipped into the unforgiving waters of the family pool. Without a flotation device, the young child was quickly submerged and started to drown.

Thankfully, Mila's quick-thinking father, Matthew, witnessed the harrowing incident unfolding and immediately dove into action. His instincts kicked in as he realized the dire situation his beloved daughter was in.

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

"I jumped right in and saved her," Matthew said, describing his courageous rescue.

Security footage captured the heart-stopping moment when family and friends rushed to Mila's aid. The urgent screams of her 10-year-old sister alerted Matthew and Amy, her mother, to the unfolding crisis.

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

In a state of distress, Amy witnessed her daughter's lifeless body floating in the pool. The realization of potential loss washed over her, filling her with despair. "I felt completely helpless... like my baby was dead," she lamented.

Mila's condition was critical. She had turned blue and grey, indicating a lack of oxygen. Matthew sprang into action, performing CPR on his daughter, desperate to revive her.

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

With each chest compression and mouth-to-mouth breath, Matthew's hope flickered. Suddenly, a breakthrough occurred. Mila released the water and air trapped in her lungs and began to cry.

"When she started to cry, it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard," Amy exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion.

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

Hero Father Rescues 2-Year-Old Daughter from Drowning Tragedy

Mila was transported to CaroMont Health, where she made a remarkable recovery. The incident left a profound impact on the family, who now understands the importance of constant supervision and the value of CPR knowledge.

"If you're by a pool, you need to know how to give mouth-to-mouth," Matthew urged, sharing his newfound appreciation for preparedness.

According to the Gastonia County Sheriff's Office, a staggering 9 out of 10 drowning incidents involving children between 1 and 14 occurred while they were under supervision.

In a testament to the family's resilience, they have vowed to enhance their safety measures. "Our role now is that an adult must be in the water with the children, playing with them and interacting with them," Amy said, emphasizing the importance of constant vigilance.

Mila's story serves as a sobering reminder of the devastating consequences of water-related accidents. It underscores the crucial need for responsible adult supervision, water safety education, and the life-saving skills of CPR.