Hide N Seek Adventure: A Twist on a Classic Game

Hide N Seek Adventure is a new asymmetrical multiplayer game that brings the classic children's game to mobile with a fun twist. Players can transform into everyday objects to hide from seekers, who must whack the suspicious objects to find them.

Hide N Seek Adventure: A Twist on a Classic Game

Hide N Seek Adventure is a new asymmetrical multiplayer game that brings the classic children's game to mobile with a fun twist. Players can transform into everyday objects to hide from seekers, who must whack the suspicious objects to find them.

Each match consists of 15 players: five seekers and 10 hiders. As a hider, you can morph into a variety of objects depending on the current map. You can then position yourself in a space that looks natural for the object you changed into and wait to see if you're discovered. Possible items that you can morph into include chairs, stools, tables, and stacks of books.

Seekers get several seconds at the start of each round to memorize the map as best they can. This helps you determine which objects might actually be other players in disguise. If you think you've found a hidden player, whack the suspicious object with your mallet.

While transforming yourself into objects to better hide is a novel concept, you'll spend most of your time as a hider, sitting still, and hoping you don't get caught. This may be fun in actual hide-and-seek, but it's not so much fun in a video game.

On the other hand, seeking is much more enjoyable. Seekers are constantly on the move, searching for hidden players. When you find a suspicious object, you can whack it with your mallet to reveal the hidden player. If you're wrong, you'll lose some health.

The more you play Hide N Seek Adventure, the more you'll level up. Don't get too excited though, as leveling up doesn't seem to increase any attributes or otherwise offer you any bonuses.

As a seeker, you can choose a skill before each round if you have enough coins to purchase one. Skills include a health boost and the ability to summon an arrow that points you toward the nearest hidden player. Skills are helpful but can only be used once per round, so choose your timing carefully.

You can gain coins by watching ads, completing daily missions, and just playing the game. You can use your coins to purchase skills, leave a round early, and purchase draws, which allow you to unlock new items to morph into.

You can also use coins to buy new character avatars from the inventory tab. Bear in mind that these avatars are pretty expensive, with the cheapest costing 3,000 coins.

Hide N Seek Adventure is a decent asymmetrical multiplayer game with a cute premise. The 3D graphics are vibrant and fit well with the theme, and the game is fun to play for a few rounds at a time. Unfortunately, leveling up doesn't seem to matter, and the game seems to be as much about luck as it is about strategy. With a few tweaks, this title could be pretty fun. For now, however, it's a bit disappointing. Still, it's a cute and light-hearted asymmetrical game that you might enjoy playing a few rounds of on the go.