Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

## Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Comedian and actress Alex Borstein expresses her frustration with Hollywood's relentless focus on youth and beauty, emphasizing how it homogenizes the industry and limits diversity. She recalls an encounter with Dustin Hoffman, who encouraged her to embrace her individuality and challenge these narrow standards.

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

### Article:

Hollywood's pursuit of unrealistic beauty ideals has long been a topic of debate, with critics arguing that it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and limits the representation of diverse perspectives. One actress who has spoken out against this trend is Alex Borstein, known for her role as Susie Myerson in "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Speaking at San Diego Comic-Con, Borstein lamented the industry's "wild obsession and focus on youth and beauty," calling it "so boring." She observed that many actresses are resorting to plastic surgery and filters to conform to a narrow aesthetic, resulting in a lack of individuality and diversity.

"Every girl is getting a nose job and filters and lip s---. And it's madness. And the obsession with it," Borstein said.

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

She expressed particular concern about the message this sends to young people, who may feel pressured to conform to unrealistic standards to be considered valuable or successful.

Kate Mulgrew, who shared the panel with Borstein, questioned whether the industry was changing for the better. Borstein responded with a tinge of self-deprecation, acknowledging her own five years on television.

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Hollywood's Unrealistic Beauty Standards: A Boredom for Alex Borstein

Recalling a memorable encounter with Dustin Hoffman, Borstein shared how his words of encouragement helped her to persevere in the industry despite not conforming to traditional beauty standards.

"I once ran into Dustin Hoffman and I said to him, I said, ‘God. I’m such a fan. I love you.' I said, ‘You showed me I can still be an ugly woman and get in a movie,'" Borstein said.

She recounted how Hoffman initially laughed but then grew serious, urging her to embrace her uniqueness and disregard the pressures of conforming. "He got really angry. ‘Stop that. Don’t you do that. You are not ugly, you are beautiful. You are different. You are packaged differently,'" she recalled.

Borstein emphasized that Hoffman's words had a profound impact on her, giving her the confidence to continue pursuing her career even when she did not fit the mold. She pointed out that her success in "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," where she played a masculine and unconventional character, demonstrated the value of embracing diversity and challenging unrealistic standards.

"But it really was a moment that like made me realize, ‘Well, maybe I can' and ‘Maybe I’ll just see what happens.' And low and behold, I'm still here," Borstein said.

Borstein's perspective is a much-needed reminder that Hollywood's beauty standards are not only unrealistic but also harmful, limiting the representation of diverse voices and perspectives. Her call for change is an important step towards creating a more inclusive and empowering industry.