Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

The Westminster community and He Knows Your Name ministry pay tribute to the identified and unidentified victims of the notorious 1990s Fox Hollow Farm serial killings with a newly dedicated memorial, giving them a permanent place of remembrance.

In the heart of Westminster, Indiana, the community gathered to honor the victims of the infamous Fox Hollow Farm serial killings. For over three decades, the tragic events that unfolded on that sprawling estate have haunted the town, forever etched in the annals of true crime history. Now, a new memorial serves as a poignant tribute to the nine identified victims and the countless others who remain unknown.

Linda Znachko, founder of the Indiana-based ministry He Knows Your Name, played a pivotal role in bringing this memorial into existence. Her organization, dedicated to honoring the forgotten and unidentified deceased, joined forces with Hamilton County Coroner Jeffrey Jellison to create a lasting legacy for the victims of Fox Hollow Farm.

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

"The complexity and the amount of remains they have, which is over 10,000 stored, is second only to 9/11," Znachko remarked. "The intricacy and the amount of manpower that this investigation is continuing to need and require, plus money to do pathology and all the DNA work, is just huge."

The memorial, unveiled with dignity and sorrow, consists of a plaque bearing the names of the identified victims: Jeffrey Allen "Jeff" Jones, Allen Lee Livingston, Manuel Resendez, John Lee "Johnny" Bayer, Richard Douglas Hamilton Jr., Steven Spurlin Hale, Allen Wayne Broussard, Roger Allen Goodlet, and Michael Frederick "Mike" Keirn. It also features an ossuary, a receptacle for the remains of unidentified victims, ensuring that their memory is preserved and their souls find peace.

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

"My organization purchased an outdoor sculpture from an artist in Canada [David Perrett], and we placed it today with the [victims'] names listed with an opportunity for more names to go on that list if more are there and also place an ossuary there so that any future remains or any family member that would like to use that ossuary and have their loved one buried right there at that memorial site, and free of charge," explained Znachko.

Jellison, the tireless coroner who inherited the Fox Hollow case, has made it his mission to shed light on the mystery surrounding the unknown remains. "While this is an ongoing investigation, we feel now is the time to properly and publicly remember these members of our community," he stated during the memorial's dedication.

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Matthew Pranger, Allen Livingston's cousin, attended the event to honor his loved one. "The memorial service yesterday, I believe, did give justice to those who either have been identified or have yet to be identified," he shared.

Pranger's commitment to finding justice for all victims is evident in his plea for information. "We would like to have as many people come forward that may have any connection whatsoever to this case to try to identify other potential victims," he urged.

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

The dedication of this memorial marks a significant milestone in the long journey to bring closure to the Fox Hollow Farm tragedy. It is a testament to the power of remembrance, the resilience of the families involved, and the unwavering determination of those working to uncover the truth and honor the lives lost.

As the years pass, the legacy of Fox Hollow Farm will live on, not only as a haunting reminder of the horrors that occurred there, but also as a symbol of perseverance, compassion, and the enduring power of human connection.

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises

Honoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial RisesHonoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial RisesHonoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial RisesHonoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial RisesHonoring the Fox Hollow Farm Victims: A New Memorial Rises