House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

The House Judiciary Committee is investigating a top prosecutor in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case against former President Donald Trump for his work in the Biden administration, citing concerns of coordination and politicization of the prosecution.

House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

**New York City, New York –** In a recent development, the House Judiciary Committee has launched an investigation into the role of a top prosecutor in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's case against former President Donald Trump.

The investigation focuses on Matthew Colangelo, a prosecutor who joined Bragg's office in December 2022 and has been instrumental in the prosecution of Trump. The Committee's investigation stems from concerns raised by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who alleges that Colangelo's history and past employment raise questions about the fairness and impartiality of the prosecution.

House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

Jordan's letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, obtained by Fox News Digital, highlights Colangelo's work as a senior Justice Department official during the Biden administration and his involvement in various investigations into Trump. Jordan argues that this background raises a "perception" of coordination between the Justice Department and Bragg's office.

The investigation centers on the charge of falsifying business records, which is typically a misdemeanor. However, Bragg alleges that Trump falsified these records to further "another crime" – preventing or promoting election – elevating the charge to a felony.

House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

Jordan points to Colangelo's employment history, emphasizing his previous investigations into Trump while at the New York Attorney General's Office and his alleged role in "taking on" Trump and his family business. Jordan argues that this suggests an obsession with investigating Trump rather than objectively pursuing justice.

The investigation also examines Bragg's decision to prosecute Trump despite the Justice Department declining prosecution of a similar matter in 2018. Jordan raises concerns that the state-level prosecutor may be attempting to "re litigate" an issue previously closed by federal authorities.

House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

The prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who pleaded guilty to various charges and has expressed strong negative sentiments toward Trump. Jordan highlights this as another reason for skepticism.

Jordan's request for documents and information includes personnel files for Colangelo, communications between the DOJ and Bragg's office regarding the Trump prosecution, and records related to Cohen's conviction. The deadline for Garland to produce these records is May 14.

House Judiciary Committee Probes Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Amid Concerns of Coordination

The investigation comes in the wake of a report by the House Judiciary Committee, released just days prior, alleging that Bragg allowed "political motivations and animus to infect its prosecutorial discretion." Trump has consistently argued that the cases against him, including Bragg's prosecution, are politically motivated and coordinated with President Biden.

The investigation into Colangelo adds another layer of scrutiny to the ongoing Trump prosecution, raising questions about the underlying reasons for the charges and the potential influence of political biases. The outcome of the investigation and the release of the requested documents will provide further insight into the dynamics surrounding the Trump case.