House Judiciary Committee Threatens to Hold Garland in Contempt over Biden Probe Evidence

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), has advanced a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress after the Justice Department refused to provide subpoenaed audio recordings of President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

House Judiciary Committee Threatens to Hold Garland in Contempt over Biden Probe Evidence

The House Judiciary Committee has initiated a move to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for the Justice Department's failure to comply with a subpoena requesting the audio recording of President Biden's interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur. The committee's decision to hold the attorney general in contempt comes after the White House invoked executive privilege over the recordings, asserting that they must be protected from disclosure.

The subpoenaed audio recordings were part of Hur's investigation into the mishandling of classified documents by President Biden. Hur's report, released in February, concluded that while Biden had mishandled the documents, he did not recommend criminal charges against the president.

House Judiciary Committee Threatens to Hold Garland in Contempt over Biden Probe Evidence

However, the White House's assertion of executive privilege has raised concerns that the Biden administration is attempting to conceal information that could be politically damaging to the president. The House Judiciary Committee's resolution to hold Garland in contempt is a significant escalation in the ongoing battle over access to the subpoenaed evidence.

In response to the White House's invocation of executive privilege, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) stated that the Justice Department must turn over the requested evidence. Jordan asserted that the committee has the authority to obtain the recordings, as they are essential to its investigation into the handling of classified documents by Biden.

House Judiciary Committee Threatens to Hold Garland in Contempt over Biden Probe Evidence

The House Judiciary Committee's resolution to hold Garland in contempt is expected to advance to a full floor vote. If the full House approves the resolution, Garland could face a range of penalties, including fines or imprisonment. However, the White House has indicated that it will continue to resist the committee's efforts to obtain the recordings, setting the stage for a prolonged legal battle.

The contempt resolution is the latest in a series of escalating clashes between the Biden administration and the House Judiciary Committee. The committee has been aggressively investigating the Justice Department's handling of various matters, including the investigations into the Biden family and former President Donald Trump.

House Judiciary Committee Threatens to Hold Garland in Contempt over Biden Probe Evidence

The House Judiciary Committee's actions have been met with criticism from the Biden administration, which has accused the committee of partisan overreach. The White House has argued that the committee's investigations are politically motivated and that it is attempting to interfere with the Justice Department's independent investigations.

Despite these accusations, the House Judiciary Committee has vowed to continue its investigations, asserting that it has a responsibility to hold the executive branch accountable. The committee's resolution to hold Garland in contempt is a clear indication that it is determined to obtain the requested evidence, even if it means escalating the conflict with the Biden administration.

The battle over the subpoenaed evidence is likely to continue for some time, as both sides dig in their heels and refuse to compromise. The outcome of this battle will have significant implications for the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government.