House Republicans Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

House GOP Conference chair Elise Stefanik denounces the unchecked antisemitism and chaos on college campuses, calling for presidents to be held accountable for failing to protect Jewish students.

House Republicans Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

In a scathing indictment of the state of affairs at American universities, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Chair of the House GOP Conference, has accused university presidents of becoming "apologists" for antisemites. Stefanik's comments come amidst a surge in antisemitic incidents on college campuses, which have left Jewish students and faculty fearing for their safety.

"Americans are watching in disgust as chaos spreads at college campuses across our country," Stefanik stated in an exclusive interview with Fox News. "Jewish students and faculty fear for their safety as antisemitism goes unchecked, and the rule of law is abandoned by morally bankrupt university leaders taking their lead from President Joe Biden."

House Republicans Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

Stefanik pointed to recent incidents at Columbia University, where a pro-Hamas mob stormed and occupied Hamilton Hall, as well as a spate of anti-Israel protests at other universities, as evidence of the deteriorating situation. "It's not just Columbia. This is a moral rot that has taken root across American higher education institutions," she declared.

The congresswoman emphasized that these incidents are not isolated occurrences but rather part of a broader pattern of antisemitism that has become deeply ingrained in university culture. "In December, I exposed just how ingrained antisemitism has become at America's so-called 'elite' institutions of higher education when I questioned the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and UPenn in what has become the most-viewed congressional testimony in history," she said.

House Republicans Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

Stefanik expressed outrage that the university presidents could not answer the simple question of whether calling for the genocide of Jews violates their university's code of conduct. "This is a fundamental failure of leadership," she asserted. "These presidents are not only failing to protect their students but are also sending a dangerous message that antisemitism is tolerated on their campuses."

The House GOP Conference chair announced that House Republicans are taking action to hold universities accountable for their failures. "We are probing colleges and funding," she said. "Billions of taxpayer dollars flow to these institutions in the form of federal student aid, research grants, and favorable tax treatment. To university presidents and administrators, our message is clear -- if you cannot keep your students safe, you will be held accountable."

House Republicans Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

Stefanik also called for the resignation of Columbia University President Lee Bollinger, who she accused of negotiating with the antisemitic mob and allowing it to grow. "She has failed to disband this dangerous group and ensure the safety of her Jewish students," she said. "She must step down."

The congresswoman stressed the importance of sending a clear message that antisemitism has no place in America. "There can be NO moral equivalency," she said. "The world is watching. And House Republicans are leading where university presidents, far-left Democrats, and Joe Biden have failed."

Stefanik concluded by urging Americans to stand up against antisemitism in all its forms. "We must speak out and condemn this hatred whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head," she said. "We must stand up for the Jewish community and the values of freedom and tolerance that have made America a beacon of hope for people around the world."