Houston Police Chief Troy Finner Resigns Amid Suspended-Cases Scandal

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner has resigned from his post amid an ongoing probe into suspended cases within the department. The resignation comes as Finner faces mounting pressure over allegations of mishandled cases and a lack of transparency.

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner Resigns Amid Suspended-Cases Scandal

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner abruptly resigned from his post late Monday night, according to a statement released by Mayor John Whitmire. The resignation came amid an ongoing probe into suspended cases within the Houston Police Department (HPD), which has raised serious concerns about the department's handling of criminal investigations.

Finner's resignation followed a highly publicized report by the Texas Attorney General's office, which identified more than 500 cases that had been suspended or classified as inactive within HPD. The report found that many of these cases were serious violent crimes, including homicides, sexual assaults, and robberies.

Critics have accused Finner of mishandling the suspended-cases issue, alleging that he failed to provide adequate oversight and accountability within the department. They also claim that Finner was not transparent with the public about the extent of the problem.

The probe into the suspended-cases scandal is ongoing, and it remains unclear what specific allegations led to Finner's resignation. However, the scandal has exposed deep-seated problems within HPD, including a lack of training, resources, and accountability.

Finner, a 34-year veteran of the HPD, was appointed chief in 2020. He had previously served as assistant chief of the department's patrol operations bureau.

During his tenure as chief, Finner oversaw a number of initiatives aimed at improving the department's performance, including the implementation of new body camera policies and the use of predictive policing technology. However, he also faced criticism for his handling of high-profile cases, such as the fatal shooting of George Floyd by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Finner's resignation is a major blow to the HPD, which has been struggling to regain public trust following a series of scandals and controversies. The department has been under intense scrutiny in recent years, and Finner's resignation may only further erode public confidence.

The investigation into the suspended-cases scandal is likely to continue, and it remains to be seen whether other HPD officials will face disciplinary action or criminal charges. The scandal has raised serious questions about the department's ability to effectively serve and protect the citizens of Houston.