Houthi Cruise Missiles Strike Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden, Injuring Mariner

Two missiles launched by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels struck a commercial ship in the Gulf of Aden on Thursday, setting it ablaze and injuring one sailor. U.S. forces responded to the distress signal and evacuated the injured mariner to another vessel for medical treatment.

A commercial ship operating in the Gulf of Aden near Yemen was the target of two cruise missiles launched by Houthi rebels on Thursday. The attack resulted in a fire onboard and caused severe injuries to a mariner.

Houthi Cruise Missiles Strike Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden, Injuring Mariner

Houthi Cruise Missiles Strike Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden, Injuring Mariner

The targeted vessel, the M/V Verbena, was reportedly flying the Palauan flag and was operated by a Polish crew. The ship had departed from Malaysia and was en route to Italy, carrying a cargo of wood.

According to a statement issued by the U.S. Central Command, the Verbena sustained damage and caught fire as a result of the missile strikes. The crew fought to contain the blaze, while U.S. forces deployed a helicopter to evacuate the injured mariner to another nearby vessel for medical attention.

Houthi Cruise Missiles Strike Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden, Injuring Mariner

Houthi Cruise Missiles Strike Commercial Ship in Gulf of Aden, Injuring Mariner

The Houthi rebels have launched a series of attacks against shipping vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since the outbreak of the conflict in Yemen a decade ago. The Houthis claim that these attacks are aimed at ending the Saudi-led coalition's involvement in the war and supporting the Palestinians.

The Houthis, who control Yemen's capital, Sanaa, and other parts of the country, have targeted vessels that have no connection to the conflict. These attacks have raised concerns about the safety of maritime trade in the region.

The attack on the M/V Verbena marks the latest in a string of Houthi attacks on commercial shipping. Earlier in the week, a boat-borne bomb attack was launched against a commercial ship in the Red Sea.

The United States has condemned the attacks on shipping and has launched airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen. The U.S. has also warned that it will hold the Houthi rebels accountable for their actions.

The international community has called on the Houthis to cease their attacks on shipping and to engage in diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict in Yemen. The conflict has caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, with millions of people in need of assistance.

The National Democratic Institute (NDI), a U.S.-based democracy promotion organization, reported that three of its staff had been detained by the Houthis earlier this month. The NDI expressed concern about the arbitrary detention of its staff and called for their immediate release.