Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for choosing to conduct her first formal interview alongside her running mate, suggesting it reflects a lack of confidence in her abilities. Sanders contrasted Harris's approach to that of former President Donald Trump, emphasizing his record of accomplishment and the support he has garnered from former Democrats.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has slammed Vice President Kamala Harris for opting to give her first official interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee in tandem with her running mate. Sanders's remarks came during an appearance on "Fox & Friends," where she expressed skepticism about Harris's preparedness to handle an interview by herself.

"They know Kamala Harris can't get through an interview all by herself. There is not a lot of confidence in somebody to become the leader of the free world and ask people to make her president of the United States when she can't even sit down [for] an interview," Sanders asserted.

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Sanders's criticism stems from CNN's announcement that anchor Dana Bash would be conducting a joint interview with Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, scheduled to air on Thursday evening. This will mark Harris's first formal interview with the press since President Biden withdrew from the race on July 21 and effectively anointed her as his successor.

Sanders, who frequently sparred with reporters during her tenure as President Trump's second press secretary, suggested that Harris's decision to bring her running mate along is an indication of her team's doubts about her ability to field questions on her own.

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

"This isn't even a tough interview. This is on CNN. This is one of their media allies," Sanders remarked. "She should take this opportunity to show the American people that she can handle hard questions. It's clear that her own team, in her own party, think she needs a babysitter, and that's why they're putting her vice presidential nominee on the stage with her so that he can step in and answer questions if things go like the clips we just saw, like she has done in previous interviews."

As vice president, Harris has faced criticism for avoiding media interviews for extended periods, including a "disastrous" encounter with NBC's Lester Holt in 2021. According to a New York Times report, White House officials observed Harris withdrawing "into a bunker for about a year," citing her fear of making mistakes and disappointing Biden.

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Huckabee Sanders: Harris Lacks Confidence, Needs 'Babysitter' for Interviews

Sanders contrasted Harris's approach with that of her former boss, emphasizing Trump's record of success in areas such as economic growth, border security, and international diplomacy.

"This matchup could not be more stark between the two candidates. Donald Trump has a record of success, of leading on things like building a strong American economy, securing our border, helping us have a strong presence on the world stage," Sanders stated. "While on the other hand, Kamala Harris has been part of an administration of total failure. Look at everything that has happened in the last four years. She has to own that. She cannot run away from it. And even prominent Democrats don't have confidence in her ability to lead this country."

Sanders highlighted the recent endorsements of Trump by former Democrats Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, who have both joined his transition team. She argued that even prominent voices within the Democratic Party recognize Harris's limitations as a leader.

"She was the laughingstock of the Biden administration just a few months ago, and now the hypocrisy is so unbelievable. They want us to believe that they truly think that she can take this job on," Sanders continued.

"I think that the fact that they're not letting her do an interview by herself tells us everything that we need to know. She is not prepared to lead the country. Donald Trump is, because he's shown he can do it. Even prominent voices in the Democrat Party see that. And they're joining the ticket and starting to campaign for him around the country. And I think it's a great thing that he's building this huge coalition that will help push him over the top in November."