Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan reveals that the assassination attempt on former President Trump's life was a pivotal moment in his decision to break his silence and endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention.

Wrestling icon Hulk Hogan, known for his iconic "Hulkamania" persona, has shed light on the profound impact that the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump had on his decision to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

After witnessing the shocking incident during a rally in Pennsylvania, Hogan underwent a profound shift in mindset. Haunted by the violence, he realized he could no longer remain silent in the face of what he perceived as the decline of the country he loved.

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

"The RNC was kind of intense for me because, you know, I had been silent for so long watching the demise of this beautiful country," Hogan remarked. "I was sickened that I was silent for so long. I actually started to call myself a coward."

The fear that had once prevented Hogan from expressing his political beliefs dissipated in that moment. He felt an urgent need to speak out against the violence and division he had witnessed.

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

"All of a sudden, when they tried to assassinate Donald Trump, I said, 'That's it. That's it. I can't be silent,'" Hogan shared. "This is not correct. This is not right on any level, even if it was Trump or Biden or Clinton, or anybody, but that is not right."

Hogan's RNC endorsement speech was a passionate plea for unity and a return to traditional American values. Invoking his legendary wrestling persona, he urged the crowd to "let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother," and "let Trump-a-mania make America great again."

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Breaks Silence: Trump's Assassination Attempt Fueled His RNC Endorsement

The assassination attempt had not only fueled Hogan's political activism but also deepened his admiration for Trump. He praised Trump and former Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance as a formidable tag team, capable of "straightening this country out for all the real Americans."

Hogan's long-standing support for Trump dates back to 2015, when he expressed a desire to be Trump's running mate. His unwavering loyalty to the former president underscores the deep-seated beliefs that drive his political activism.

"I've seen some great tag teams in my time — Hulk Hogan and oooh, yeah, the 'Macho Man' Randy Savage," Hogan said. "But you know something? I see the greatest tag team of my life standing upon us and getting ready to straighten this country out for all the real Americans."

Hogan's decision to break his silence has sparked both admiration and controversy. Yet, he remains undeterred in his belief that his voice can make a difference in the current political landscape.

"Enough was enough," Hogan declared. "I said, let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother. Let Trump-a-mania rule again. Let Trump-a-mania make America great again."