Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

Wrestling legend Hulk Hogan emerged as a surprise crowd-pleaser at the Republican National Convention, delivering an unscripted and energetic speech in support of former President Donald Trump. In an interview with "Fox & Friends," Hogan shared his reasons for endorsing Trump and the inspiration behind his memorable performance.

## Article:

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

### Hogan's Electrifying RNC Speech

Hulk Hogan, the legendary professional wrestler, electrified the Republican National Convention (RNC) with a rousing oration in support of former President Donald Trump. Hogan's speech, which deviated from the teleprompter, resonated with the enthusiastic crowd, reminiscent of the atmosphere at a wrestling event.

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

"I felt a rumble, and so I started pushing the gas down and more. I pushed the gas pedal down the more they responded," Hogan recounted in an interview with "Fox & Friends."

### Inspiration for Endorsing Trump

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

Hulk Hogan Electrifies RNC with Impassioned Trump Endorsement

Hogan's decision to endorse Trump stemmed from years of observing the state of the nation. "I sat back and was silent for years while watching what was happening to our country," he explained.

The alleged assassination attempt on Trump further solidified Hogan's resolve to speak out. "When they did that to Trump, and they tried to kill him, I said, that was it. ... That's when I said enough is enough. I'm done."

### Dr. Hogan's "Cure" for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Hogan shared his belief that Trump's qualities could counteract the pervasive "Trump Derangement Syndrome." "I thought, 'I'm Dr. Hogan, I can fix Trump Derangement Syndrome.' Donald Trump has so much love, and he cares so much about this country. He cares so much about people. Trumpamania is the cure for Trump Derangment Syndrome. But I forgot to say it."

### Personal Experiences with Trump

Hogan painted an image of Trump as a compassionate and genuine individual, contrasting the portrayal often depicted in the media. "He was such a kind person. He was just so nice all the time. And I watched how he treated people, and he treated everybody the same. It was really cool to see that this guy hasn't changed a bit. And all the stuff that the press writes about him, he's not that guy."

### Hulkamania Takes the Stage

As one of the opening speakers at the RNC, Hogan capitalized on his wrestling fame, bringing the crowd to life with his signature catchphrases. When asked about the iconic shirt rip, Hogan attributed it to his frustration with the perceived attacks on Trump.

"I was upset when they took a shot at my hero," he said. "Enough was enough, and I said, let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make America great again."

### Optimism for America's Future

Hogan expressed confidence in Trump's ability to restore America to its former glory. "America is going to get back on track" with Trump as president, he predicted, supported by the "Trump-ites" for the next four years.