Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

Newly released messages from the House Ways and Means Committee reveal that Hunter Biden proposed a meeting in New York City between his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and the CEO of a Chinese energy company. The committee alleges that Hunter Biden lied to Congress about the proposed meeting.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

Newly released messages from the House Ways and Means Committee have shed light on a potential meeting that Hunter Biden proposed between his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and Yadong Liu, the CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, a Chinese energy company.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

On the evening of December 12, 2017, Hunter Biden messaged Liu, asking him to meet in New York City that evening. Hunter Biden indicated that his father would also be in New York City and wanted Hunter to attend a memorial service with him. He expressed a desire for his father to meet with Liu and his uncle, Jim Biden, before Hunter and Liu could have a private conversation.

Liu replied, saying that it was no problem and asked Hunter Biden to inform him when and where they should meet.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

Less than two weeks after the proposed meeting, Hunter Biden messaged Liu again, expressing his anxiety awaiting Liu's report from a meeting in China. Liu responded, explaining that he was still in China and had not received a response from the chairman. He also mentioned that there were potential legal challenges that could hinder any potential collaborations with Hunter Biden.

It is unclear whether the proposed meeting in New York City actually took place. The White House, Jim Biden, and Hunter Biden's attorney did not respond to requests for confirmation. However, Hunter Biden's uncle emailed Hunter with "Yadong" in the subject line the day after the proposed meeting, suggesting that some form of communication or interaction occurred.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

The House Ways and Means Committee alleges that Hunter Biden lied under oath during a congressional deposition about the proposed meeting. The committee's report claims that Hunter Biden repeatedly testified that he did not know of any meetings between his father and his foreign business associates, including Yadong Liu.

Hunter Biden's alleged proposal of a meeting between his father and Liu is just one of several instances involving his business dealings that have raised questions. President Biden has repeatedly denied any knowledge of his son's foreign business ventures, but records indicate that he met with numerous of Hunter Biden's associates. Hunter Biden's former business partner has also testified that Joe Biden attended a meeting with CEFC executives, including Chairman Ye Jianming.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

Hunter Biden's involvement with CEFC has been scrutinized due to Jianming's alleged gift of a diamond to Hunter Biden. Furthermore, in 2017, Hunter Biden allegedly sent an email to Jianming on behalf of the "entire Biden family," expressing their well wishes.

The House Oversight Committee released a report in 2023 claiming that Joe Biden met with nearly every foreign business associate who paid the Biden family. The report alleges that Joe Biden engaged in phone calls, dinners, and meetings with individuals including Russian and Kazakhstani oligarchs, a Burisma executive, and Chinese nationals.

Hunter Biden Allegedly Proposed Meeting Between Joe Biden and Chinese Energy Executive, House Ways and Means Committee Claims

The allegations against Hunter Biden and the Biden family continue to raise questions about potential conflicts of interest and foreign influence. The House Ways and Means Committee's investigation and the release of these messages provide further evidence that warrants scrutiny and accountability.