Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

A joint report by three House panels reveals that active CIA contractors "coordinated" with the Biden campaign to discredit allegations against Hunter Biden just weeks before the 2020 election. The report also suggests that then-CIA Director Gina Haspel was aware of the effort to dismiss the laptop as Russian disinformation.

Active Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) contractors "colluded" with the Biden campaign when releasing a statement dismissing Hunter Biden's infamous laptop as Russian disinformation ahead of the 2020 election, according to a joint report released by three House panels.

The report, titled "The Intelligence Community 51: How CIA Contractors Colluded with The Biden Campaign to Mislead American Voters," outlines that active CIA contractors "coordinated" with the Biden campaign just weeks ahead of the 2020 election "to discredit serious allegations about Biden family influence peddling" connected to Hunter's laptop.

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

On Oct. 19, 2020, 51 alleged former intelligence officials released a statement dismissing the laptop as having "all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation." The statement aimed to discredit the New York Post's bombshell report on the laptop at the time.

The report reveals that "the highest levels of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), up to and including then-CIA Director Gina Haspel, were made aware of the 'Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails' by 51 former intelligence officials prior to its approval and publication." This suggests that Haspel, who served as CIA director from 2018 to 2021, had knowledge of the letter.

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Internal CIA emails included in the report show that some signatories of the statement were current CIA contractors. Former CIA acting director Michael Morell, who helped draft the statement, was actually a contractor with the CIA when the letter was issued. Former CIA inspector general David Buckley was also a contractor at the time of the letter.

The Hatch Act, which forbids most civilian federal employees from engaging in partisan political activities, does not extend to contractors. However, the report suggests that consideration should be given to extending this prohibition to CIA contractors as well.

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Biden used the statement as a "talking point" during his final 2020 debate against President Trump, claiming that the dozens of signatories proved the laptop was Russian propaganda.

The New York Post's 2020 report on the laptop was largely dismissed by the media as "Russian disinformation." However, liberal media outlets changed their tune in 2022 after newspapers such as The Washington Post and The New York Times authenticated thousands of his emails.

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

The laptop re-emerged earlier this month when Hunter Biden faced a criminal trial in Delaware over his purchase of a firearm in 2018. The trial, which found Hunter guilty on all counts, formally entered the laptop into evidence and was confirmed by the FBI as legitimate.

The report by the three House panels reveals a concerning pattern of coordination between CIA contractors and the Biden campaign to discredit allegations against Hunter Biden. The findings also raise questions about the political nature of the intelligence community and the need for further safeguards to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election

Hunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 ElectionHunter Biden Ruling Points to CIA Collusion with Biden Campaign Before 2020 Election