Hunter Biden trial: Defense weighs risks of calling him to testify

Hunter Biden's attorneys are considering whether to call him to the stand in his gun trial, a move that carries high risks and potential rewards. Criminal defense attorney Brian Claypool weighs in on the pros and cons.

Hunter Biden trial: Defense weighs risks of calling him to testify

Hunter Biden's defense team is facing a crucial decision in his gun trial: whether to call him to testify. The move carries both high risks and potential rewards, and the attorneys have until the weekend to decide.

Hunter Biden trial: Defense weighs risks of calling him to testify

Criminal defense attorney Brian Claypool, who is not involved in the Biden case, told Fox News that calling a defendant to the stand is always a gamble.

"It's a high-risk, high-reward proposition," Claypool said. "You never know what a jury is going to do, and you never know how the defendant is going to come across."

Hunter Biden trial: Defense weighs risks of calling him to testify

On the one hand, calling Biden to the stand would give him the opportunity to directly address the charges against him and humanize himself to the jury. He could also attempt to explain away the inconsistencies in his testimony and present his version of events.

On the other hand, calling Biden to the stand would open him up to cross-examination by the prosecution, which could lead to him making damaging admissions or contradicting other evidence. He could also come across as evasive or unsympathetic, which could harm his case.

Hunter Biden trial: Defense weighs risks of calling him to testify

Claypool said that the defense team will need to weigh all of these factors carefully before making a decision.

"They're going to have to decide whether the potential benefits of calling him outweigh the risks," Claypool said. "It's a tough call."

Prosecutors on Friday rested their case accusing Hunter Biden of lying when he swore that he was not a drug user on a federal form to buy a gun in October 2018. The defense could call at least one more witness when the trial resumes on Monday before lawyers make their closing arguments.

If the defense does call Biden to the stand, it would be a significant moment in the trial. It would give Biden the opportunity to directly address the charges against him and humanize himself to the jury. It would also give the prosecution the chance to cross-examine him and attempt to discredit his testimony.

The outcome of the trial could have a significant impact on Biden's future. If he is convicted, he could face up to five years in prison. He could also be barred from owning a firearm for the rest of his life.

The trial is also being closely watched by political observers, as it comes at a time when Biden's father, President Joe Biden, is facing his own legal challenges. Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that Hunter Biden engaged in corrupt business dealings while his father was vice president. Joe Biden has denied these claims.