Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley discusses the puzzling lack of media attention given to the recent testimony revealing the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop, despite the media's previous eagerness to spread false claims about its Russian origins.

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

The recent coverage of Hunter Biden's gun trial has brought into sharp focus the astonishing silence of the mainstream media on the issue of his laptop. For years, news outlets such as ABC, NBC, CBS, the Washington Post, and others eagerly spread the false claim that the laptop was "Russian disinformation."

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

However, in the wake of FBI agent Erika Jensen's testimony confirming the authenticity of the laptop, there has been an absolute deafening silence from these outlets. There has been no attempt to track down the signatories of the now-debunked letter from former intelligence officials who claimed it was a Russian ploy.

This lack of accountability extends to media figures such as CBS News' Lesley Stahl, who mocked President Trump for raising the issue of the laptop, and MSNBC's Jeremy Bash, who dismissed it as "Russian intelligence."

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

Even more egregious is the Washington Post's continued insistence that the false reporting about the laptop was accurate. Philip Bump, one of the Post's leading purveyors of the conspiracy theory, has repeatedly suggested that it was "seeded by Russian intelligence" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The media's role in perpetuating this false narrative was crucial in creating the illusion that the laptop was a hoax. As Jonathan Turley points out, the media was part of the act, investing in the deception to protect their own credibility.

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

The fact that those who pushed the conspiracy theory have been rewarded with plum positions in the Biden administration or media contracts while those who uncovered the truth have been shunned is a testament to the media's complicity in the deception.

The media's silence on the Hunter Biden laptop is not merely an oversight but a deliberate act of suppression. They were part of the trick, and they are now unwilling to admit their complicity.

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

However, the media's Houdini act cannot continue indefinitely. The truth about the laptop has been exposed in a federal court, and the public is slowly becoming aware of the media's role in hiding it.

The reappearance of the laptop in the Delaware courtroom may be awkward for those who pushed the conspiracy theory, but it will not deter them. They are all invested in the deception, and they will continue to protect their illusion at all costs.

Hunter Biden's Gun Trial and the Media's Astonishing Silence on Laptop Debacle

Ultimately, it is the voters who have been played for chumps. They believed the media's lies, and they cast their votes accordingly. Now, they are seeing the true face of the media, and it is not a pretty sight.