Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Evidence from Hunter Biden's laptop suggests that his business dealings extended beyond Ukraine and potentially implicated his father and other family members in international deals involving Chinese officials.

In late 2013, Hunter Biden informed his business associates that a high-ranking Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official had invited him to China to discuss "business opportunities," according to emails obtained by Fox News Digital. Biden's father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, was on an official trip to Asia at the time, and Hunter accompanied him.

During the China leg of the trip, Hunter Biden met with several powerful CCP leaders, including at a lunch with his father. Subsequently, he emailed his associates asking about C.H. Tung, the former governor of Hong Kong who held a key position in the CPPCC, a body tasked with "multi-party cooperation and political consultation" under the CCP leadership.

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Tung allegedly asked Hunter Biden to visit Hong Kong to discuss business opportunities. In July 2014, James Bulger, chairman of Thornton Group LLC, a firm that partnered with Rosemont Seneca, Hunter Biden's now-defunct company, requested that Hunter introduce Tung to his Chinese business partners, Jonathan Li and Andy Lu.

Hunter Biden agreed to the request, suggesting that he had met Tung at a dinner during his father's visit to Beijing. The CPPCC is a key part of China's United Front system, which aims to neutralize sources of potential opposition to the CCP.

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Tung also founded the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), with connections in Washington, D.C., including President Biden's top climate diplomat, John Podesta. Tung and Podesta have spoken at events together and discussed U.S.-China relations.

CUSEF has targeted Historically Black Colleges and Universities, paying out over $1 million to a Black public relations firm. The firm's owner stated that Tung and his staff visited her office in 2009 to learn about Black Americans' role in electing Barack Obama.

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks

The emails from Hunter Biden's laptop raise questions about the nature of his business dealings in China and the potential involvement of his father and other family members. The full extent of these relationships remains under investigation, but the available evidence suggests a complex web linking the Biden family to global business and political networks.

Hunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political NetworksHunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political NetworksHunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political NetworksHunter Biden's Laptop: Implicating the Biden Family in Global Business and Political Networks