Hunter Biden's Lies Under Oath Expose Corruption Amidst Upcoming Trials

Newly released documents obtained by House Republicans reveal that Hunter Biden lied repeatedly during a congressional deposition, fueling concerns about his involvement in questionable dealings and the potential bias in the ongoing criminal investigations against him.

Hunter Biden's Lies Under Oath Expose Corruption Amidst Upcoming Trials

House Republicans have unveiled evidence that Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, lied under oath multiple times during his congressional deposition earlier this year. This revelation comes amid Hunter Biden's upcoming criminal proceedings for gun charges, lying, and tax evasion.

According to House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, the newly obtained documents "indisputably" prove that Hunter Biden misled Congress. Smith emphasized that lying during sworn testimony is a felony offense and that the American people expect the same accountability from the son of the president.

Hunter Biden's Lies Under Oath Expose Corruption Amidst Upcoming Trials

The House Ways & Means Committee obtained the documents under IRS code 6103, which protects certain tax information from disclosure. The committee voted to release the material, which reveals that Hunter Biden mischaracterized his role at his firm, Rosemont Seneca, and controlled bank accounts he claimed he did not.

Additionally, the committee alleges that Hunter Biden denied assisting a foreign national in obtaining a visa, but emails show he helped a man named Miguel Aleman with visa documents. The committee also highlighted Hunter Biden's claim that he mistakenly texted the wrong "Zhao," but WhatsApp records indicate he only communicated with one Zhao - Henry Zhao of the Chinese energy firm CEFC.

Hunter Biden's Lies Under Oath Expose Corruption Amidst Upcoming Trials

Hunter Biden's WhatsApp message to Zhao allegedly promised that he and his father would ensure that Zhao would "regret not following" their direction regarding a joint-venture with CEFC called SinoHawk Holdings.

Hunter Biden has been charged in Delaware for making false statements in the purchase of a firearm and possession of a firearm while using controlled substances. In California, he faces federal tax charges, including three felonies and six misdemeanors related to $1.4 million in unpaid taxes.

IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have alleged that political considerations influenced decisions made in the federal investigation into Hunter Biden. They claim that Special Counsel David Weiss allowed the statute of limitations to expire for tax charges from 2014 and 2015.

Shapley asserts that Hunter Biden should have been charged with tax evasion for 2014 and filing false tax returns for 2018 and 2019. Fox News Digital previously reported that Hunter Biden failed to report income from Burisma Holdings when he joined the board in 2014.

The ongoing criminal trials against Hunter Biden have raised concerns about the fairness of the investigations and the potential influence of his father's position on the outcome. The newly released documents further fuel this skepticism, suggesting a pattern of deception and questionable dealings by Hunter Biden.

As the trials unfold, the public will be closely scrutinizing the evidence and the actions of both the prosecution and Hunter Biden's legal team. The outcome of these proceedings will have significant implications for the integrity of the criminal justice system and the perceived fairness of the Biden administration.