Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is set to face trial on Sept. 9 in California on charges of tax offenses, including failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes and filing false tax reports. The trial was postponed from its original June 20 start date at Hunter Biden's request.

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, will face trial on Sept. 9 in California on charges of tax offenses. The federal government alleges that Hunter Biden failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019 and filed false tax reports during that time.

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

The trial was originally scheduled to begin on June 20, but U.S. District Court Judge Mark Scarsi granted Hunter Biden's request to delay the trial. Federal prosecutors had initially objected to the request, but Scarsi ultimately agreed to postpone the trial.

Hunter Biden is charged with three felonies and six misdemeanors. The charges stem from allegations that he used the unreported income to live lavishly, including spending millions of dollars on drugs, escorts, luxury cars, and other high-priced items.

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

In addition to the tax charges, Hunter Biden was also convicted in June by a federal jury in Delaware of lying about his illegal drug use while filling out a form to purchase a gun. He is scheduled to be sentenced on that conviction on Aug. 22.

The tax trial is expected to last several weeks. A jury has been selected and opening statements are scheduled to begin on Sept. 9.

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

The tax charges against Hunter Biden stem from his alleged failure to pay taxes on income he earned from various business ventures. According to the indictment, Hunter Biden earned millions of dollars from these ventures but failed to report the income on his tax returns.

The indictment also alleges that Hunter Biden filed false tax returns by claiming deductions for expenses that were not actually business expenses.

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden's Tax Trial Set to Begin in September

Hunter Biden's attorneys have argued that the tax charges are politically motivated and that he did not intentionally fail to pay taxes or file false tax returns. They have also argued that some of the expenses that Hunter Biden claimed as deductions were legitimate business expenses.

The tax trial is expected to be a major test for the Biden administration. If Hunter Biden is convicted, it could further damage President Biden's already low approval ratings. However, if Hunter Biden is acquitted, it could help to boost President Biden's approval ratings and rally his supporters.

The outcome of the trial is also likely to have a significant impact on Hunter Biden's future. If he is convicted, he could face significant prison time. However, if he is acquitted, he could avoid prison altogether and continue to pursue his business ventures.