Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Despite the persistent claims of the radical anti-borders contingent, an overwhelming body of evidence demonstrates that illegal aliens engage in a disproportionate level of criminal activity. By brazenly violating immigration laws and committing various fraud offenses, these individuals pose a grave threat to the safety and well-being of American communities.

The assertion that illegal aliens perpetrate crimes at a lower rate than native citizens and legal immigrants is patently false. Entering the United States without proper authorization by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is inherently a criminal act under 8 U.S. Code Section 1325. Moreover, upon breaching this primary violation, most illegal aliens proceed to commit a slew of fraud offenses related to banking, tax code, employment, and other areas in order to establish false identities, secure jobs, and obtain services illegally.

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Studies conducted by reputable organizations such as the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) have consistently found that illegal aliens are incarcerated at alarmingly high rates compared to naturalized citizens and legal immigrants. FAIR's research indicates that illegal aliens are incarcerated up to five and a half times more frequently than their law-abiding counterparts. Similarly, CIS's analysis reveals that foreign-born individuals, despite comprising only 15.4% of the nation's population, shockingly constitute 20% of the inmates in prisons and jails.

In recent years, a surge in crime has swept across communities in the United States, reminiscent of the darkest days of the 1970s in major cities like New York, Baltimore, and Los Angeles. A disturbingly high proportion of these criminal acts are directly attributable to illegal aliens who have crossed the border with impunity.

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

* In Massachusetts, a Colombian national wanted for drug trafficking in Spain was apprehended after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and was subsequently released by DHS.

* In Texas, Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta, an illegal alien from El Salvador, stands accused of murdering two individuals in a Chick-fil-A restaurant.

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

* In New York, Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, an illegal alien from Ecuador, is charged with the brutal murder of 21-year-old Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza.

* In Houston, two illegal aliens from Venezuela were arrested in connection with the tragic murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray. One of the suspects was apprehended while attempting to cross the border illegally and was granted entry into the United States as an asylum-seeker.

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

* In Georgia, Jose Ibarra, an illegal alien from Venezuela, is alleged to have murdered nursing student Laken Riley in Athens Clarke County.

The catastrophic crime wave is not isolated to specific regions. In New York City, robberies have skyrocketed by a staggering 300%, according to law enforcement officials. The authorities attribute this alarming surge directly to the influx of illegal aliens who have been accommodated in luxury hotels at the expense of taxpayers while they engage in criminal activities with impunity.

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

Illicit Aliens: A Scourge on American Society

While correlation does not definitively establish causation, the overwhelming evidence suggests a clear link between illegal migration and the surge in crime. The current administration's reckless policy of allowing record numbers of foreign nationals into the United States has resulted in a trail of felonies wherever these migrants have settled. Drug offenses, sexual assaults, and violent crimes have become alarmingly prevalent.

The ongoing crime spree is entirely preventable. By enforcing existing immigration laws and promptly deporting those who violate them, the United States can effectively protect its citizens and legal residents from the scourges of murder, rape, theft, and drug dealing.

The American government has a fundamental responsibility to safeguard the well-being of its citizens. This duty cannot be fulfilled by disregarding the blatant violation of immigration laws and shielding foreign criminals from deportation.

It is imperative to end the insanity of allowing illegal aliens to enter and remain in the United States without consequences. Every crime committed by these individuals is a preventable tragedy. By securing our borders and enforcing immigration laws, we can restore safety to our communities and uphold the rule of law.