Indigenous People Demand Land Recognition and Territorial Protection in Brazil

Thousands of Indigenous people marched in Brazil's capital, calling on the government to officially recognize lands they have lived on for centuries and to protect territories from criminal activities such as illegal mining. The rally marked the culmination of the annual Free Land Indigenous Camp and highlighted a critical view of the Lula administration's handling of Indigenous issues.

Indigenous People Demand Land Recognition and Territorial Protection in Brazil

On Thursday, thousands of Indigenous people marched on Brazil's capital, demanding official recognition of their lands and protection from criminal activities. The protesters, carrying posters with slogans like "The future is Indigenous," walked towards Three Powers Square in Brasília, where Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Planalto presidential palace are located.

Indigenous People Demand Land Recognition and Territorial Protection in Brazil

A group of Indigenous leaders entered the palace to speak with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, while others shouted toward the building: "Our rights are not negotiable." Last week, the president backed down from the creation of four Indigenous territories, citing opposition from state governors.

In addition to calls for more land recognition, some tribes protested a proposed 950-kilometer (590 miles) rail project to transport soybeans from the state of Mato Grosso to ports along the Tapajos River, a large Amazon tributary. Indigenous leaders from the Kayapo, Panará, and Munduruku tribes said they hadn't been adequately consulted and feared the new infrastructure would lead to increased deforestation.

Thursday's rally marked the culmination of the annual Free Land Indigenous Camp, now in its 20th edition. This year's gathering marked a critical view of Lula's administration. Unlike the two previous years, the president was not invited to visit the camp, set up in Brasilia's main esplanade.

Indigenous leaders expressed concerns about the government's slow pace in creating Indigenous territories and its lack of consultation on issues affecting their communities. They accused the administration of using Indigenous and environmental issues as bargaining chips in political negotiations.

Previously president between 2003 and 2010, Lula began a third term in January of last year. Since then, his administration has created 10 Indigenous territories, which Indigenous leaders say is not enough. According to the non-profit Socio-Environmental Institute, at least 251 territories have pending claims for recognition before the federal government.

Indigenous territories comprise about 13% of Brazil's territory. Most of these areas are in the Amazon rainforest. Even at a slow pace, Lula's demarcations represent a stark contrast to his predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro, who kept his promise not to create a single centimeter of additional Indigenous land.

However, Indigenous demands face mounting opposition from the powerful agribusiness sector, which has the support of hundreds of Congress members and several governors across the country. The industry argues that land demarcation hinders economic development and restricts their ability to expand their operations.

The Indigenous movement in Brazil has long been fighting for the recognition of their rights and the protection of their territories. They have faced significant challenges, including deforestation, illegal mining, and the expansion of infrastructure projects. The recent march in Brasília highlights the ongoing struggles faced by Indigenous communities and their determination to secure their land and preserve their way of life.