Ingraham: Biden "Replicating" the Hard-Left

Fox News host Laura Ingraham accuses President Biden of embracing the radical left ahead of the midterm elections, fearing their power within the Democratic Party.

Ingraham: Biden

Ingraham's comments came during her show "The Ingraham Angle" on Friday, where she stated that Biden is "going to follow the hard left" ahead of the midterm elections.

"The buyer's remorse that is trickling out from the 'Never-Trumpers' and even from some old-line Democrats, it's real," Ingraham said. "Even if their pride won't let them admit that they were wrong, we know the truth. They convinced themselves that old Joe could control the radicals, but now the radicals control him."

Ingraham argued that Biden has decided his future depends on support from the hard left and that he fears facing their wrath if he does not follow their agenda.

"Nothing any of the 'Never-Trumpers' say is going to matter," Ingraham said. "He's going to follow AOC and Ilhan Omar and the rest of the hard left, because they run the Democrat Party these days, and they will keep running it until they're beaten."

These critics have argued that Biden's policies, such as the Build Back Better Act and the Green New Deal, are too expensive and will harm the economy.

They have also criticized Biden for his handling of the economy, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the border crisis.

He has also said that he is open to working with Republicans on issues where they agree.

The midterm elections will be a key test of his ability to bridge the divide within his party.