International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

President Biden faces mounting pressure from international leaders to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race due to growing concerns about his cognitive abilities. Following a disastrous debate performance and reports of slowing mental sharpness, allies are expressing doubts about Biden's fitness for office.

President Joe Biden is facing increasing calls from members of the international community to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race, citing concerns about his cognitive health.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a leftist ally of the Biden administration, recently warned that "Biden has a problem." He noted that Biden is "moving more slowly" and "taking longer to answer questions," highlighting his declining mental acuity.

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

These concerns have intensified following Biden's underwhelming performance in his first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump in September. Biden's incoherent answers and apparent confusion raised alarms among even Democratic allies.

Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, a close friend to Democrats, bluntly stated that "Joe Biden can't do it." He urged Biden to step aside, saying, "Changing horses is a duty for everyone."

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski compared Biden to the ancient Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who passed the baton to his feckless son Commodus, triggering Rome's decline. Sikorski warned of the importance of managing one's "ride into the sunset."

Marie-Agness Strack-Zimmermann, Chair of the Defense Committee of the Bundestag, expressed concern that Trump could return to power because Democrats lack a strong candidate to challenge him. She described such a scenario as "a historic tragedy that the whole world would feel."

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

European officials reportedly argue behind closed doors that Biden should step aside in favor of someone with a better chance of defeating Trump, such as Vice President Kamala Harris.

Concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities have also surfaced in Asia, particularly in Japan and South Korea. These countries fear a return to the strained relations of the Trump era, marked by increased military spending demands and trade tensions.

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

The upcoming NATO summit hosted by Biden will provide a crucial opportunity for him to address these concerns. His actions and demeanor will be closely scrutinized by allies who seek reassurance about his fitness for office.

Sources familiar with high-level discussions among European officials have expressed worry about the US election's potential impact on Ukraine and NATO, especially amidst Russia's ongoing aggression.

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

International Leaders Push Biden to Step Down from 2024 Race Amid Concerns About Cognitive Health

As Biden faces mounting pressure from international leaders, he must decide whether to heed their calls to withdraw from the 2024 race or to forge ahead despite growing doubts about his cognitive capabilities. The fate of the presidency and the global stage may hang in the balance.