International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

An international manhunt is underway for a suspect who allegedly committed a heinous act of violence by pouring scalding hot coffee on an infant at a park in Australia. The cowardly attack has sparked outrage and condemnation, with police describing it as one of the "most cowardly" acts they have ever witnessed.

Queensland police have launched an international manhunt for a 33-year-old foreign national suspected of dousing an infant with scalding hot coffee at Hanlon Park in Stones Corner on August 27. The heinous attack left the nine-month-old victim with serious burns.

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

The suspect approached the family, with whom he had no prior connection, and poured the hot liquid onto the child before fleeing the scene. Emergency services were promptly notified, and the infant was rushed to a hospital for immediate medical attention.

After receiving treatment for the severe burns, the child was released from the hospital. Police detectives assigned to the investigation identified the suspect through diligent inquiries and subsequently obtained a warrant for his arrest on charges of "intending to cause grievous bodily harm."

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

Queensland Police Commissioner Paul Dalton expressed profound disgust at the incident, describing it as the "most cowardly" act he has encountered in his career spanning several decades. He emphasized the vulnerability of the victims, a young mother and her infant, who were enjoying a peaceful outing at the park.

"I've witnessed many appalling acts throughout my career, but this particular incident stands out as one of the most despicable," stated Commissioner Dalton. "To target a defenseless child in such a cruel and heartless manner is unconscionable."

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

CCTV footage captured the suspect fleeing the scene after the attack. Police have released the footage to the public in the hope of generating leads and identifying the perpetrator.

Authorities are collaborating with national and international law enforcement agencies to apprehend the suspect and bring him to justice. The investigation is ongoing, and police are determined to exhaust all avenues to ensure that the perpetrator is held accountable for his heinous crime.

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

International Manhunt for Cowardly Attacker Who Doused Australian Infant with Scalding Coffee

Meanwhile, a GoFundMe page has been established by a friend of the family to support the infant's recovery. The page highlights the extensive medical care required for the victim, including ongoing doctor's appointments, specialist consultations, and hospital visits.

The Australian community has been deeply shaken by the incident, expressing outrage and solidarity with the victims. The attack has sparked calls for increased vigilance and community support to protect vulnerable members, especially children, from such senseless acts of violence.