Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird is amplifying her demands for the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to revise its recommendations on transgender youth, citing alleged risks associated with puberty blockers and hormone treatments. Bird is among 20 state attorneys general who joined a letter expressing concerns about the AAP's current guidelines.

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird is unwavering in her pursuit to compel the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a leading pediatric organization, to update its guidelines on transgender youth. Bird's primary concern stems from the AAP's current stance on puberty blockers and hormone treatments, which she claims pose risks to transgender youth.

"The AAP has a significant influence on children's healthcare in Iowa and nationwide," Bird emphasized. "It's crucial that they modify their policies immediately."

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Bird's criticism stems from the AAP's assertion that puberty blockers are safe and reversible for children. However, Bird maintains that scientific evidence contradicts this claim, alleging that these treatments can cause permanent changes in children who later reconsider their gender identity.

"It's irresponsible to prescribe puberty blockers to children, especially considering the potential for irreversible consequences," Bird declared.

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Bird's stance aligns with a letter signed by 20 state attorneys general, including herself, which was sent to the AAP this week. The letter expresses concerns about the organization's "abandonment of its commitment to sound medical judgment" in its support for transgender therapies.

The signatories argue that most children diagnosed with gender dysphoria eventually desist and "grow out" of the condition. They contend that administering biologically altering drugs without a clear understanding of their long-term effects is tantamount to "medical experimentation."

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

The issue of transgender youth has become highly politicized, with former President Trump pledging to restrict access to procedures for minors. Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on the matter remains unclear, although the Biden-Harris administration has reversed its earlier support for bans on sex change surgeries for children.

Unsealed documents reveal that health officials within the Biden administration successfully influenced the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to eliminate the age limit in its guidelines for transgender surgical procedures for adolescents.

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

Iowa AG Escalates Criticism of AAP over Trans Youth Guidelines

"The contrast between the candidates is evident," Bird asserted. "Vice President Harris adheres to the liberal, progressive party line, while President Trump embraces science and acknowledges the facts."

The AAP has consistently affirmed its support for "gender-affirming care," expanding its guidelines to ensure that transgender youth receive the necessary reproductive and gender-affirming services. In a report published in January, the AAP denounced the prohibition of gender-affirming care as a form of child maltreatment, citing its negative impact on mental health.

Fox News Digital has contacted the AAP for comment, but no response has been received at this time.

As the debate over transgender youth continues, Attorney General Bird remains steadfast in her conviction that the AAP must revise its guidelines to reflect the alleged risks associated with puberty blockers and hormone treatments.