Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program, Exceeds Weapons-Grade Levels

A UN nuclear watchdog report reveals that Iran has significantly increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, raising concerns and complicating ongoing negotiations.

Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program, Exceeds Weapons-Grade Levels

Iran has further expanded its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, according to a United Nations' nuclear watchdog report. As of May 11, Iran had accumulated 313.2 pounds of uranium enriched up to 60%, an increase of approximately 45.4 pounds since the last IAEA report in February. This enriched uranium is just a short step away from the 90% enrichment level required for nuclear weapons.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates that around 92.5 pounds of uranium enriched to 60% is sufficient to create one atomic weapon if further enriched to 90%. IAEA head Rafael Grossi has previously stated that Iran now has enough enriched uranium for "several" nuclear weapons.

Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program, Exceeds Weapons-Grade Levels

Iran's overall enriched uranium supply has also seen a sharp increase. As of May 11, Iran's stockpile stood at 1,3671.5 pounds, representing an increase of 1,489.8 pounds since the IAEA's previous report. This escalation in enrichment activities raises concerns about Iran's intentions and the potential implications for regional stability.

The accelerated nuclear program poses a significant challenge to ongoing negotiations between Iran and the international community. The Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), placed limits on Iran's nuclear program in exchange for economic sanctions relief. However, since the United States withdrew from the deal in 2018, Iran has gradually abandoned its commitments.

Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program, Exceeds Weapons-Grade Levels

According to the UN report, Iran is seeking to have economic sanctions lifted in exchange for slowing down its nuclear program. However, the increased enrichment activities and the growing uranium stockpile are likely to complicate negotiations and make it more difficult to reach an agreement acceptable to all parties.

The international community has expressed concern over Iran's nuclear advances. Last week in Helsinki, Grossi announced that IAEA talks with Iran were on hold due to the death of President Ebrahim Raisi. However, he emphasized that the pause is temporary and that negotiations will resume once the mourning period has passed.

Iran Accelerates Nuclear Program, Exceeds Weapons-Grade Levels

Tensions between Iran and the IAEA have escalated since 2018, when then-President Trump withdrew the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. Since then, Iran has been steadily increasing its enrichment activities, raising fears about its nuclear ambitions.

The UN's nuclear watchdog report highlights Iran's rapid expansion of its near-weapons-grade uranium stockpile. This development raises serious concerns about Iran's nuclear intentions and further complicates ongoing negotiations. The international community must continue to monitor Iran's nuclear program closely and work towards a diplomatic solution to prevent further escalation.