Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Sens. Joni Ernst and Lindsey Graham warn that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon before the U.S. election due to President Biden and Vice President Harris's ineffective policies.


Senators Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have lambasted the Biden-Harris administration for its handling of Iran, warning that the regime is on the verge of developing a nuclear weapon before the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Ernst, appearing on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for skipping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's congressional speech on the Iranian threat. She also denounced the pro-Hamas protests outside the event, which she said were evidence of the administration's appeasement of Iran.

Graham, speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," expressed grave concerns about the status of the Iranian nuclear program. He said that the Senate recently received a "stunning" report from the Director of National Intelligence indicating that Iran could reach nuclear weapon capability "in one or two weeks."

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Graham blamed the Biden-Harris administration for this alarming development, accusing them of failing to control Iran's nuclear ambitions. He asserted that the administration's policies have "enriched" Iran and "emboldened" its aggressive behavior.

"Biden, Harris have been a colossal failure in terms of controlling the ayatollah," Graham said. "They've enriched him and Israel is paying the price."

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

The senator warned that if Iran is not "put on notice" and held accountable for its actions, it will continue to target Israel through its proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas.

"Until the Iranians believe they're going to get hit, that we start putting their oil refineries on a target list, you're going to get more of this when it comes to Iran," Graham said.

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Iran Nuclear Threat: GOP Senators Blast Biden-Harris 'Failure'

Graham's concerns echo those of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who recently warned that Iran could produce fissile nuclear material within a matter of weeks. Blinken blamed the collapse of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal for Iran's accelerated nuclear development.

However, Graham argued that the Biden-Harris administration bears responsibility for the current crisis. He pointed to their withdrawal of sanctions on Iran and their failure to address the threat posed by Hezbollah and Hamas.

"The Biden-Harris administration has been a complete and total failure when it comes to Iran," Graham said. "Their policies have made the region less stable and more dangerous."

The senators' remarks come amid heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah following a rocket attack on a soccer field in the Golan Heights that killed 12 children and teens. Israeli authorities have accused Hezbollah of firing the rocket, which Blinken confirmed as having "every indication" of originating from the Iran-backed group.

The incident has reignited concerns about a wider conflict between Israel and Iran. Senators Ernst and Graham have urged the Biden administration to take a more aggressive stance against Iran to prevent further escalation.

"The Biden-Harris administration needs to wake up and smell the coffee," Graham said. "They need to confront Iran head-on and make it clear that we will not tolerate their nuclear ambitions or their aggression against our allies."