Iran: The Puppet Master Behind Hamas and Hezbollah

Despite the Iranian regime's celebration of Hamas' unprovoked attack on Israel, stopping the conflict requires Iran to rein in its terrorist puppets. The U.S. must increase its own oil and gas production and support Israel and its Arab allies to weaken Iran's ability to fund terrorism.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

Iran: The Puppet Master Behind Hamas and Hezbollah

Iran's celebration of Hamas' unprovoked attack on Israel on October 7th, which ignited the ongoing conflict, highlights the regime's role as the puppet master behind Islamist terrorism. Iran's goal is to kill as many Jews as possible and wipe Israel off the map.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

For decades, Iran has provided billions of dollars, weapons, and munitions to Hamas and other terrorist groups. This support has fueled the deadly attacks that have claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people.

Stopping the Israel-Hamas war and preventing a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah will require Iran to rein in its terrorist puppets. However, Iran will only do this if it faces severe consequences for refusing.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

Iran's military threat extends beyond Israel to America's Arab allies, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. Moreover, Iran's development of nuclear weapons would endanger the world.

The fanatical Iranian regime oppresses its own citizens, imprisoning and killing those who oppose it. Women are subjected to beatings and imprisonment for not fully covering their hair and bodies.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

Iran's wealth from oil and gas exports, primarily to China, enables it to fund terrorism. The U.S. must reduce the market for Iranian fossil fuels by dramatically increasing its own oil and natural gas production, as advocated by former President Trump.

Pressure on Iran also requires making it clear that Israel and its Arab allies have the full support of the U.S. This would deter attacks by Iran and its terrorist puppets.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

Recent positive steps, such as the joint effort by the U.S., Britain, France, and Arab allies to help Israel shoot down Iranian drones and missiles, must be continued. However, President Biden's decision to delay delivery of heavy bombs and artillery shells to Israel has emboldened Iran and Hamas.

Israel is determined to destroy Hamas, understanding that failure would be disastrous. Hamas could regain control of Gaza once Israel withdraws, fulfilling its promise of new massacres.

Here's how to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime

Israel has done more than any nation to prevent civilian casualties during the war, evacuating thousands of Rafah residents to safer areas. However, Hamas terrorists hide in and under civilian buildings, maximizing Palestinian casualties to make Israel look bad globally.

Iran shares the goal of increasing suffering and deaths in Gaza. This propaganda strategy is succeeding, as anti-Israel protests worldwide overwhelmingly target Israel instead of Iran, Hamas, or Hezbollah.

Biden's suspension of munitions deliveries to Israel encourages Iran and Hamas to continue the war and emboldens Hezbollah. Hamas and Hezbollah have responded with rocket attacks into Israel, aiming to kill as many Israelis as possible.

Replacing Iranian fossil fuel exports with American oil and gas, ending Biden's partial arms embargo against Israel, and allowing Israel to destroy Hamas are the best ways to reduce Islamist terrorism worldwide and weaken the Iranian regime.

The responsibility for the suffering in Gaza lies with Hamas' attack on Israel. The quickest way to end the nightmare is to pressure Iran to force Hamas to release Israeli hostages, cede power over Gaza to Palestinians willing to live in peace with Israel, and demilitarize Gaza under Israel's security oversight. This should be U.S. policy.